29 | Bella Ciao

429 42 111

The writing of the scene is inspired from 'Money Heist' season one ending. This 👆 version is the one featured in the chapter.

"When are we leaving?"

Baekhyun came to stand beside Taehyung as the latter took a long drag of his cigarette. The Capo glanced down at his watch, and sighed. "It's 1 am. Shouldn't you be with your wife, cuddling or something?"

"We've got to go before the sick representations of sheet starts." Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Are maids done with our apartments?"

"They are. We'll leave in an hour." Taehyung blew out the smoke. He was still in his dress shirt and elegant pants but had dropped his tie and jacket on the floor. "Did you act decent?"

"Me being good didn't have an effect on her pain. She cried, even when I took her gently." Baekhyun closed his eyes, and pinched his nose. "I don't enjoy a woman's tears. Least of my wife's on our wedding night."

The Capo hummed. "I understand," he murmured. "Joy is also resting."

"How did it go? The meeting."

"Outfit boss is contemplating. Kyungsoo is also thinking about the offer by Byeongsa, but nothing is finalized yet."

Baekhyun took out a cigarette, lit it, and placed it in between his lips. "I don't want to have a peace offering with those fuckers. Byeongsa is bound to stab us in back. Today or tomorrow. You know that. I know that."

"Even Kyungsoo knows that." Taehyung shook his head. "But if Outfit went with the deal, we'll have to go with it too. Either we'll be one against the two. This temporary peace won't last long, and if they decided to attack..."

"First Russians, then the rumours about Tong... Now this." Baekhyun sighed, massaging his forehead. "Sometimes I feel like I might lose control of my own emotions. Marriage isn't going to change that, I guess."

"You went softy with Hera. Didn't you?"

"Fear doesn't scare her." He rolled his eyes. "The only way I can have her under my control is by taking her in my trust."

"Just don't take our violence to your bedroom. She's already handful when we do nothing. If anything bad happened, I don't even want to imagine what kind of trouble she'll cause."

Baekhyun made a face. "I'll handle her. What about that Mujabihan enforcer? Did you send someone to kill the guy?"

"Hoseok is on to that. You really hit a nerve with Wonyoung. Didn't you?"

"Hera loves her cousin. It was my chance to strike a deal." Baekhyun shrugged. "I've told her though. That sooner or later her cousin will have to bow down to the tradition."

"Yes. Killing that old man won't change a thing, but at least it would give her a peace for now." Taehyung looked up at the stars. "Irene is worried about us."

"Irene told me that she diverted Suho's attention from the main matter. He's overprotective of Joy." Baekhyun exchanged a knowing look with the Capo. "I don't think her manipulation will work this time."

"We'll have to wait and see."

"They're really playing hard to get. Aren't they?"

Lisa took off her heels, and massaged her ankle. Jungkook fell on the couch beside her. Sunghoon grabbed a wine bottle and started filling their glasses. He handed them each, and settled himself on the opposite chair.

"Kai is almost in favor of this deal. The peace offering from Byeongsa is too good to be ignored." Lisa smiled coyly.

Jungkook shook his head. "No. We don't have a good reputation when it comes to honour and loyalty. He has his doubts. I could practically see the way he tried to do an X Ray of our brains during the meeting."

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