19 | Growing Pains

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Irene stopped by the door.

Suho walked into the penthouse casually, loosened his neck tie and sat on the couch. He threw a glance at her over his shoulder. "Are you going to stand there all night, my wife?"

She shuddered. "Don't call me that."

"Oh you talk?" He chuckled. Closing his eyes, he leaned back to rest his head. "I thought you didn't know how to spell words, considering you didn't try to make a conversation earlier."

"I didn't like your company enough to make a conversation." Irene entered the hall, her high heels stomping on the floor. "So I'm here. Under your mercy. What do you need from me?"

He popped an eye open. "What did your brother want from my sister?"

"Taehyung married Joy to have something over Mujabihan. The girl knows too much about the clan, at least enough to bring them down."

"Joy knows nothing-"

"She knows things." Irene huffed. "Your sister doesn't even know what she has over Mujabihan. Do you think they attacked Sal-inja only for Hera? No. They wanted Joy too."

Suho sat up slowly. "I thought it was a way to punish her. Was it not?"

"You're a politician yet so stupid."

"Enlighten me then, genius."

Irene glared down at him. "I don't want to. Use your brain. Bottom line is, Taehyung married Joy to get that information-"

"Information she is not aware of herself?"

"Now you're catching up." The brunette took off her heels and stood in front of him. "It's your turn. Besides taking a hold over my cousin brother, why did you marry me?"

Suho smirked. "Why should I tell you that? If you're as genius as you claim to be, figure it out." His eyes raked over her body. "Maybe I liked you. You're nice to look at. Perfect beautiful elegant woman for a politician like me."

Irene stiffened when he stood up, he had a few inches over hers, so she had to lift her head to stare into his eyes. "No. That can't be a reason. You're not that shallow to be blinded by a pretty face. Moreover I'm a widow-"

"Your marriage was never an official thing. So no, you were always a single woman, and now a married one." He leaned in so close that she startled, stumbling back. "Cosa Nostra has a ritual of sheets. Shall I do the honours?"

"I'm no virgin. You won't have bloody sheets." She gulped when his long fingers ran over the side of her neck, his feather like touch and overwhelming presence made her feel weird. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

Suho's lips twitched. "Yes. Is it working?"

"I won't deny you of your right to fuck me."

That made him pause. "My right?"

"It's a husband's right to have his wife anyway he wants after marriage." She stepped back, and started fumbling with the zipper, her hands shaking lightly. "Do you want to go to the bedroom or-"

"Stop." His hand covered hers. "You're not a member of Cosa Nostra anymore. I'm not a member of the Familia as well." Suho looked at her with something similar to pity and she hated it. "This is a free world."

"You're just being kind to have my guards down." She narrowed her eyes, and he chuckled humorously.

"Goodness, what do they teach you in mob?" Suho grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs. "These are all empty rooms. Choose one."

"Okay." She kept looking at him alarmed as if scared he would jump on her any second. Just as she turned to open one of the doors, he touched her back.

Touch Of Darkness Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora