12 | Sidelines

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Joy thought she knew darkness.

She had seen a glimpse of it when she started training with the Mujabihan army. Capo saved her, took her in, and she was to return the favor by protecting his daughter, even at the risk of her own life. It was a short training period, still Joy knew what she was getting into.

Or she thought she did.


Taehyung ever so gently tucked her hair behind her ear, but his face... It was anything but. She would be lying if said he didn't scare her right now. His eyes were wild, skin brimming with the blood he had shed a few seconds ago. Capo Sal-inja slaughtered the Mujabihan army like a pig. Ruthlessly. Unapologetically.

"We're going home."

Joy nodded slowly, trying not to breath the rotten stench of the bodies laying around them. He smiled, satisfied by her response and turned to Hera.

The said girl was on her knees, trembling. A gun was placed behind her head by Seokjin. Joy didn't feel anything for her though. She had mourned her friend's death in her head already. The way Taehyung crushed people with bare hands, without a blink, Joy knew he wasn't going to forgive this mistake/ attack from Mujabihan. He was going to kill Hera to send a message.

"Let's go home, Hera." To everyones shock and hers too, Taehyung gave Hera his hand and then they were on their way to the mansion, leaving the death show behind them.

Joy kept an eye on Taehyung. She couldn't understand it. Mujabihan broke the deal. Not one but two times. Attacked Sal-inja. Then why weren't they attacking back? What was the deal? Hera also looked confused, alarmed to whatever it was to come. The mansion was silent when they arrived there. No Moonbyul. No Kyungsoo. Soobin or others.

"You should be resting." Taehyung's monotonous voice startled the women. Hera turned to see Baekhyun coming down the stairs. Perfectly fine.

"Couldn't miss more than I already have." He grinned widely as his eyes slid to the girls. "Women," his voice was light but it didn't fool anybody. "Which one of you was it?"

"Meaning?" Joy frowned.

"The location of the mall was sent to the Mujabihan organization beforehand. How?" Taehyung circled his fiance as she paled visibly.

"I didn't do it." Hera stepped back, but Baekhyun gripped her chin with both of his fingers and forced her to stare at him. "I swear I didn't." Long forgotten the bravery act, at the moment, the girl just wanted to live.

"You couldn't, even if you wanted to." Baekhyun chuckled and pulled her to him, turning her so that her back was against with his front. "My dearest Joy, confession time."

"I..." Joy looked back and forth between Taehyung and Baekhyun and then Hera. They thought she did it. That she alerted Mujabihan and planned this attack, which she didn't, but someone did.

Someone from Sal-inja had a connection to the enemies. If Joy confessed that she didn't initiate the whole thing, then there was a high chance that the clan won't believe it. Moreover Baekhyun would hurt Hera to get under Joy's skin. And if they did believe her, it would start an investigation and whoever this spy was, death won't be the only thing that they would get.

"Come on." Baekhyun ran his fingers over Hera's neck and she shivered. "Say it. Then we can move on."

"I'll trust you." Taehyung stared at Joy. "Whatever you say, I'll trust you."

She gulped. "It was me. I... I wanted Hera out of the organization. I couldn't trust you to let her go after the wedding."

Taehyung tilted his head. "I see."

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