20 | Familia

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"What are you doing sister-in-law?"

Baekhyun entered the kitchen, his eyes lingering on the bowl in Joy's hands. She was mixing ingredients for something. "I heard the news. You and Hera are going to get married before us. A day after tomorrow."

His gaze zoomed in on her before taking in the rest of the scene. "What does that have to do with you and... this disaster?" The consigliere raised his eyes amused as he gestured the mess on the kitchen counter.

Joy scowled. "I'm making a chocolate cake." She lowered her eyes and grimaced when saw how things were all over the place. "At least trying to."

"You think your chocolate cake will balance her temper? I don't think so." Baekhyun smirked as he leaned his butt against the shelf, and crossed one ankle over other. "You see my fiance has a temper. And arrogance."

"Food always cheer people up." She huffed. "Don't try to discourage me. Hera is seriously going to loose it after the news. I want her to be a bit calm or maybe have a cake to accompany her misery. It helps with sadness."

"Aren't you going to try to talk me out of the wedding?"

"Is there even a percent of chance that you will listen to me?"

"You're my Capo's wife, but... No. I won't listen to you on this matter."

"Why did you even give me a hope then?"

"We can't be seen merciful or weak, and returning Hera after keeping her this long... it won't be honorable. She won't be accepted in her clan. This marriage is the best solution to her situation."

Joy gave up on the mixing, and faced him. "I have an idea why the show of power is important, but is it worth it if you won't be happy in the marriage?"

"Who says that I want to be happy? I hate happy people and no, I'm not joking. I'm allergic to those kinds." Baekhyun actually cringed, and shook his head. "I can't stand that."

"Be good to Hera. It's my... order as a Capo's wife." Joy raised her chin in order to look intimidating, but she knew her attempt failed when he started smiling.

Baekhyun placed a hand over his heart. "Ouch. I'm not that bad of a husband, sister in law. Don't hurt me like that."

"I wish you were this goofy around your fiance too. She's too scared of you." Joy sighed and tried mixing the contents of the bowl. "You've to be a good husband to my friend, Baekhyun. Please."

He stared at her. Long. "Have you ever considered telling her to be a good person to me?"

Her lips parted. "It's difficult to be good to a person who kidnapped you. Threatened you. You have to make a conscious effort to win her trust."

"What I did was wrong, but if given a choice, I would do it again. My Familia comes before morals. I hope you understand that."

"I do." Joy closed her eyes. "God, I do understand, but I want us to stop fighting too. I've thought about it long, and I want whatever it is to work. Familia won't work if we kept fighting each other."

Baekhyun paused, narrowing his eyes. "You've been keeping eyes on us."

"I hear things when I walk around." She shrugged. "Tong giving you trouble again?"

He nodded slowly. "Taehyung don't have time to go through the rituals of the wedding at the moment, that's why I'm getting married first."

"Is it a long process? Getting married to a Capo?"

"Yep. According to the tradition, you'll have to take an oath and all that stuff. Hera will have to go through that too, so you better warn her. She must pledge her loyalty to Sal-inja." Baekhyun frowned. "If she tried anything funny that moment, I don't know how I will handle it. More like, I won't be able to save your friend."

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