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A few days had passed by with the usual events. Rome kept himself in his business while others either worked or enjoyed Milan. Yuri had kept her word on ignoring him, she wouldn't even look his way when he entered the room. Everyone had felt the tension between them but only spoke about it when they weren't around. Most of the time, Yuri kept herself busy with taking Mya and a few security guards out with her to enjoy the city. Fendi, Jaela and Fargo had tried to put up a fight against Yuri for Mya, but Mya had grown close to how fun Yuri was.

"Milan is so beautiful. I've spent so much money here, it doesn't even make sense." Yuri said as Jaela, Mya and her had returned from a day of shopping.

"I know. Everything in the baby store was so cute, do you think Fendi will be mad at the money I spent?" Jaela asked while sitting down on the bed and pulling Mya up in her lap.

"Girl, no. You spent most of it on his own daughter so how could he be mad?"

Jaela shrugged. "Just thinking. I know that he works hard for his money. He said that they have two meetings with the second connect while we're down here and one of them is him and Mister alone."

"Wait, Fendi tells you about his work?" Yuri asked as she sat on the bed with them.

"Yeah. He's really just proud to say out loud that he's making a way for himself faster than he thought he would. Plus, he likes to vent about his days on the phone." Jaela told her, watching as Mya played with fingers.

"I love that. You guys are like best friends some times."

"I know. I love how open and honest he is with me." Jaela agreed.

"I honestly thought that he was a rude guy when I first met him. He was so nonchalant and reserved." Yuri told her.

Jaela laughed as she shook her head. "He's just quiet and observant around people that he doesn't know."

"He sure did scare the hell out of me" Yuri laughed with her.

The ladies quieted down their conversation as a knock came to the door. Their eyes traveled over to Rome, who stood in the doorway. He cleared his throat as he placed his hands in his suit pants pockets.

"Can I speak to you privately in the other room?" Rome requested

Before Yuri could answer, he had disappeared from the doorway, leaving them alone again. Yuri sighed as she stood from the bed, following him out of the room. He led her to an empty guest room, motioning for her to sit on the bed as he stood by the door, closing it behind them. He placed his hands back in his pocket as he looked over at her, still wondering why she could be the way she was.

"Why were my texts and calls unanswered?" He asked

"Because, I didn't want your bad energy on my vacation." Yuri shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest.

Rome chuckled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "How can me checking on your wellbeing be bad energy?" He asked.

"Your attitude. One minute you're nice and wanting to check on me then the next you're rude and having your period." She told him, watching his body as she remembered him gripping his nose as a start to his anger.

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