.1. The beginning

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Yuri pulled a small inhale from the blunt that her boyfriend, Reed, passed to her. Her chest filled with smoke, causing her to cough and fan the air as she passed the blunt back over to him.

"I don't see how you're able to smoke that stuff every hour." Yuri complained, lifting herself from the couch to light the two candles sitting on the table.

Reed exhaled smoke while laughing at her. "How did you grow up in tha' hood but never smoked or drank?" He asked.

Yuri shrugged. Her grandmother raised her in a god fearing home with nothing extra. No, her grandmother didn't force her to church every day but she didn't allow Yuri to be exposed to more than what she needed in life.

"We've been together for two years now. I sell and smoke this stuff everyday." Reed added on.

Yuri shrugged again, she never cared for things that everyone else thought she should care for. She kept herself away from smoking most of the time but for the past year, since she moved in with Reed, smoking became an every week kind of thing for her. She only smoked once or twice a week but still, she felt like it was pointless sometimes.

"That doesn't mean that I have to love it or make it a crutch for my mental health." She mumbled.

Reed glared over at her as he pulled the blunt from his lips. "Bitch, what?"

His voice boomed throughout the home, making Yuri jump in fear. "Nothing." She said, turning her back to prepare for the bedroom.

Before she could step away, Reed had grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. Mug clear cut on his face, only a inches away hers.

"You think that I need this shit?" He asked, holding the blunt in her face, tightening the grip on her arm.

"I didn't say that." She pleaded with him, holding her head down in fear.

"Watch yo' fucking self Yuri" He spat at her, tossing her arm from his hand.

Yuri rubbed the spot on her arm, seeing as it had turned red. She tilted her head down more to hide the tears sliding down her face, walking quietly to the bedroom at the back of the home.

The tub filled with water as Yuri sat, balled up in the middle. She thought about the past year of her life and wondered why she was dealt the hand she had at twenty-two years old. Tomorrow would be the day that she promised to become more independent for herself so she wouldn't have to stay in her trap.

Reed kept a tight leash on her and made sure that she had no reason to leave him. He took care of her, got whatever she needed and told her that she didn't need to work. A good thing soon turned bad after one week of Yuri moving in. Yuri decided to take a swim in the pool, grabbing the attention of a few neighbors which threw Reed into a frenzy. That was the first day that he had ever put his hands on her and since then, it was a repeating cycle when he felt disrespected in his mind.

"It doesn't take that long." She jumped at the sound of Reed's voice coming through the locked bathroom door.

"I'm taking a bubble bath." Yuri replied, turning the water off and grabbing her wash rag.

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