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WARNING: This chapter does contain rape and more violence.

Jaela placed her ear to the door, not hearing any voice or foot steps, as she slowly pulled the door open. She looked behind her to see Bryden still unconscious, assuming that he had to be dead, before she slipped out of the door. She walked up the stairs to another door, listening for more steps and voices, before she opened it. Looking around, she seen a long hallway with three doors, a turning end and another turning end with more stairs. She kept her winces of pain in as she held her ribs, slowly walking down the hallway, keeping herself against the wall.

Placing her ear to another door, she heard a few voices as she backed away and checked another door. The next door was silent, allowing her to twist the knob and enter the room. She closed the door behind her, locking it as she turned on the lights. A clean and empty bedroom stood before her. A phone connected stood on the night stand causing Jaela to shuffle over to it and take it off the charger. She made her way into the bathroom that connected to the room and locked that door behind her as well.

Hoping that they wouldn't hear, Jaela took the time to slide into the bathtub, taking her time to cry as she unlocked the phone with no password. She rushed to dial Fendi's number, hearing the phone ring to voicemail as she cried harder. Dialing the number again, Jaela prayed over and over in her head for him to answer.

"Who is this?" Jaela sighed inside as she heard Fendi's voice.

She continued to cry into the phone, hoping he would recognize her so she wouldn't have to talk. His voice had brought her back to all of her happiness and she wanting nothing more than him saving her.

"Baby, It's Bryden." Jaela whispered into the phone.

"Jaela? I know baby. Are you okay? I'm coming baby, I promise he's going to die. How did you get to a phone?" Fendi asked in a rush.

"A bedroom. I'm in the bathroom hiding." Jaela continued to whisper, keeping her eyes on the bathroom door.

"Baby, tell me, what did you see?" Fendi asked as their car got closer to Forest Ln.

"A lot of men. Bryden and an older man."  Jaela spoke quickly.

"Do you recognize anyone?"


"Send me the location from this phone okay? I'm coming baby. Stay on the phone, no matter what. Hide the phone on you and keep hiding." Fendi told her.

Jaela nodded her head as if he could see her, crying happy tears as she sent him her live location.

"Hiding phone in my hair. Be quiet. I love you." Jaela told him, catching herself off guard.

There was a moment of silence as Jaela's heart began to beat fast. "I love you more." Fendi replied.

Jaela smiled widely as she kissed the phone as if it was him. It was the first time that either of them had said the words to each other and even though it was a bad situation, it felt good. She took her ponytail down then placed the phone in the middle of her head before she pulled the braids back up into a ponytail. Getting out of the tub slowly, she made sure that the phone was unseen before she began to check the cabinets and drawers.

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