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Yuri was sprung awoke when she finally heard her phone vibrating like crazy. Shielding her eyes from the phone brightness, she read the time of 8:21am. Reed's name flashed across the screen, sighing to herself as she prepared to talk to him.

"Hell-" She spoke right before Reed cut her off.

"Bitch you been playing with me?" Reed asked

"What are you talking about?" She asked, completely confused.

"I see every fucking thing you do. Tell me something, how can you come home after a night out with a bag full of money?" Reed asked again, confusing her more on how he seen her.

Once she said nothing, he began to laugh.

"Who are you fucking? On my life, when I get back, you are dead. You chose to play when I give you a little fucking freedom?" He began to yell into the phone.

"Reed! I didn't sleep with anyone. What are you talking about? What money?" She asked, playing dumb.

"Stop acting dumb Yuri. It's cameras in the damn house, I see everything. Where did the fucking money come from?" He asked one last time.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Yuri shrugged.

"You're dead as soon as I get back in Texas. Fucking dead." Reed disconnected the call.

Yuri felt okay due to the fact that he wasn't near her but she knew that he would definitely do something bad when he returned. She looked around the room, checking around to see if she seen any cameras. After twenty minutes, she had managed to find seven cameras disguised as other objects around the house and it made her feel weird. Quickly, wanting his eyes off of her, Yuri dumped the cameras into a trash bag and began slamming it on the ground. When she felt like all of the cameras were damaged, she tossed the bag into the kitchen trash bag. She felt like Reed wanted to watch her every move as if she was going to run away, which she planned to do. He felt it and she knew she had to do it soon.

"He's so sick. Seven days and counting." She rolled her eyes, hating that she had even tied herself up with a man like Reed.

He was so sweet and different for the first year but she guessed it was all a trap. Reed went from opening her doors and buying her flowers to dragging her by her hair and slapping her around within a year of time. Everyone had warned her about him but she couldn't let her first go so easily, she felt like she still couldn't but she had to.

Yuri decided that she wouldn't let Reed ruin her day from another state, so she called Jaela for the day as she laid back in her bed. Reed had cut her sleep short but she knew that Jaela would be up, seeing as she did yoga every morning after a run.

"Good morning Yuri." Jaela sang as she answered the phone.

"Good morning. What are you up to today?" Yuri asked, pulling the covers back as she raised back from the bed to brush her teeth.

"Oh, nothing. Why? Did you want to go somewhere still?"

"Yes. I don't really drink but I could take a glass of wine and some nice food." Yuri replied before placing the toothbrush in her mouth.

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