pt 3; the "overprotective" one 💚

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"no no, you made my child stop calling me dad! what have you been telling her? you asked me to call her instead of seeing her in person which i respected! and now you want to take her away from me for good? NEIN, no that's not fucking happening"
~tom kaulitz

toms pov:
"so what did you want to talk about, also thanks for the invite it's been nice getting to see my baby, also i can't seem to get ahold of any of you not even your house phone to talk to her what's going on with that?" i asked and mrs lockwood nodded, "we thought i would be best if we cut contact off with you while kalen just settled into living here and having us around her all the time without getting upset because she missed you or wanted to see you or if you visited and she would throw a tantrum because she wanted to go home with you and obviously she couldn't so we didn't want her to get hurt and we just wanted time so we could explain the situation to her and let her understand it before we let you talk to her or be around her" mrs lockwood said and i nodded agreeing with her, "right so now when call my calls will go through and i can speak to my daughter? because i can't keep going without any contact it's killing me from the inside out she's my baby and i want to hear hows she's doing and get to hear her voice, i want to be able to come over here and pick her up and take her out for the day and get to spend time with her, i do really appreciate that your doing this for me and taking her in while i got my head around things but i want it now to start slowly going back to how things were, so i was thinking once a week phone calls for a month then the next month a call a day, then the month after that i'll take her out once a week and then i'll, take her out as often as i can and then after that the next month we'll do a day overnight session every two weeks then the next month once a week month after that the weekends then after that the week days and then the last month we'll do a week with me a week with you and then i think that should be enough time to get all the paperwork sorted so she can come home to me." i rambled and took a deep breath me lockwood looked at me, "actually tom that's what we wanted to talk to you about, you see we've spent the past year with your daughter and we've fed her, clothed her, sheltered her put her through school got her into dance and she's developed a nice healthy lifestyle here where she's not constantly going on planes or missing school for interviews living in tour buses she's happier here with us where she has a real and normal family with siblings a dog, two parents who communicate with eachother, we didn't want to have some stranger tell you this, but we're suing you for full custody, we're taking you to court, we want full custody without you interfering once, we've got attached and we want to be able to call her ours without the fear your gonna come and take her away from us, we want full custody of our little girl" mr lockwood said and bill dropped his cigarette and my mouth was wide open in shock, "wait what, TOM!" bill shouted.

"no no, you made my child stop calling me dad! what have you been telling her? you asked me to call her instead of seeing her in person which i respected! and now you want to take her away from me for good? NEIN, no that's not fucking happening" i shouted in their face throwing my own cigarette and stepping on it, "well tom then we'll have to go through all the court systems to get her, just sign the papers and it will all be over" mrs lockwood said with a smiled but it quickly fucking dropped after my next words, "then i'll see you in fucking court because you are not taking my daughter, i will fight for the rest of my damn life if i have to to make sure she stays with me i can see this was a big mistake and clearly i made the wrong fucking decision giving her to you while i sorted my head out!" i satated and stormed off bill came running after me,

"tom your not actually gonna let them do this are you? please tell me you wasn't bluffing there and your gonna bring her home!" he asked and i stopped in my tracks, "bill listen to me carefully okay, my daughter is coming home with. me." he smiled "there's my brother tom, tell me where have you been this past year?" he asked sarcastically,  and i chuckled "i don't know but im never going away again, we better go say goodbye to kalen and get in touch with our lawyers because i want my baby home as soon as fucking possible" i said and continued walking bills smile grew and he jumped up and down in the air and i chuckled at him walking up to my baby.

"kalen baby, daddy has to go home he needs to speak to miss thomas okay?" i said kneeling down to her level, "your leaving me again?" she asked and looked down sadly, "not for long this time baby, it gonna sort things out with miss thomas and then you can come home with me and the band okay?" i said and she looked up and smiled, "i can come home for real?" she said and my smile grew, "hell yes and your never leaving me again you got that!" she nodded and hugged me, "thanks you papa, i luwv you" i smiled as i felt my heart get glued back together by my little girl.

"your gonna be a good girl and just stay here with me and mrs lockwood while i sort things out?" i asked "yes but don't be too long daddy" she said pointing at me, " i pinky promise" i said and held my pinky out she smiled locking her little pinky with mine and kissed my cheek before running to the rest of the band saying goodbye, because bill was telling them what was happening.

we got into the car,
"now it's time to get our girl home" gustav said with a smile, "yesssssss" georg said doing a happy dance and all four of us looked at eachother smiling.

kalen i hope you understand how far we're willing to go to bring you back home to us.

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now