pt 1; beginning🧡

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Toms Pov:

i was woken up by someone crying out my name,
"papa!" "papa!" "papa helwp!"
i smiled, i got up and walked over to my daughter kalens room to see her standing in her crib with tears rolling down her face, once she saw me she put both hands in the air for me to pick her up i smiled and walked over to her picking her up and hugging her lightly, "what's the matter princess?" "i scared papa" she said nuzzling her head into my neck calming herself down, "why was you scared?" "i on my own" she said lowly and i chuckled, "it's okay baby daddy's got you" i said walking into my room, "maybe it's time we change you into a big girl bed how does that sound" she nodded her head as i sat her on my bed and walked into my closet to get ready, after i changed i went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, i walked back out of the bathroom to see kalen laid in my bed hugging her teddy and blanket, "come on K let's go get you somethjng to eat get you dressed and we'll go find you a big girl bed" she nodded walking next to me and grabbing mg hand as we walked downstairs "papa POP!" she said tugging on my hand, "you want pop tarts?" she nodded her head and i picked her up and placed her in her high chair, "okay then let's make pop tarts" i made ks pop tarts and a cup of strawberry milk and gave it to her drinking my pure black coffee she started eating happily and i was scrolling through my phone before the front door was opened and slammed shut.

"where's my beautiful niece?" bill shouted walking through into the kitchen "unc bill" she said smiling after drinking her milk, i laughed at her when she pushed her hair out of her face and smiled at bill, "i heard we're getting you a big girl bed" he said after pouring himself a cup of coffee and sitting on the other side of k "yes!" she shouted and i smiled "good then maybe we can actually decorate your white room" bill said looking at me, "okay fine bill you can decorate it" i said rolling my eyes and smiling at him, "what do you want in your room baby?" i asked her "ink an hewo kitty!" she said and i smiled " pink and hello kitty i can work with that" i got up and went to get k out of her high chair to get her changed "can i get her ready tom?" bill asked me and i stepped back nodding, he took her hand and started walking up the stairs with her and i started washing the dishes and cleaning all the mess up.

Bills pov:
i took kalen upstairs and grabbed the new clothes i bought for kalen yesterday,

i grabbed her hair brush and brushed through her brown hair, i put them in pig tails and she smiled at me, ""danke unc bill" she said smiling i smiled back, "it's okay k let's go down stairs too your dad

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i grabbed her hair brush and brushed through her brown hair, i put them in pig tails and she smiled at me, "
"danke unc bill" she said smiling i smiled back, "it's okay k let's go down stairs too your dad."

Toms pov:

i heard little footsteps running towards me "papa i all ready" i put my phone down and picked kalen and observed her outfit, "bill" i looked at him, "yes?" he said slowly "did you buy kalen new clothes again?" i asked him "maybe" he said shyly "bill she already has so much clothes she doesn't need any new ones" i said rolling my eyes "hey hey! we're good cop bad cop here, you get to teach her the important stuff in life and i teach her about how to spend money on clothes okay!" he said quickly making me chuckle at him, "cmon the baby let's go get you your big girl room" she smiled "wait papa!" she shouted "yes princess?" "bow bow" she said pointing at her baby blanket, "baby we're going to the store you'll see her later" i said walking towards the front door suddenly kalens trying to throw herself out of my arms "KALEN stop i'm gonna drop you" "i want bow bow!" she said and i put her down she instantly walked over to the stupid baby blanket and grabbed it putting her pacifier in her mouth and running towards me with her blanket, i picked her back up and sighed, putting her in her car seat, "okay baby you gonna be good while we drive to the store?" i asked her and she nodded quickly.

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now