pt 2; beginning 🩷

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Toms pov:
we're currently in a green room because we have a interview it's 7am in the morning and kalen has been awake since 6am she didn't go to sleep till late last night because we was at the studio all day and night yesterday, so she's being extra cranky i tried to get her to sleep on the half an hour journey here but she wasn't having any of it she was determined to stay awake. she was up my ass she wouldn't sit in her car seat she had to sit on my lap she wouldn't let me get her ready or do her hair again so i had to call bill to come and help me and eventually after a lot of bribing she let bill get her ready and do her hair i made her some road she ate half of it she drank all of her milk but as soon as we got into the van to go to the interview she started getting fussy i knew it was because she was tired but it didn't help my anger that is slowly going on me against her.

we arrived at interview place, she wouldn't leave me alone she made me carry her around and i had to sit near her or she would sit at my feet, i tried to cheer her up by taking some pictures on the camera and pulling funny faces at her, she giggled man that giggle gets to me, eventually it was my turn for makeup and hair, i went last because k wasn't in the mood, i got up to go and sit in the chair and she just ran straight up to me and yanked on my hand, "dada i come with you" she said and i forced a smile at her, i sat on the chair and sat her on my knee, bill and the band all came and sat near us and started to pull funny faces at her and ask her about how school was going, i ended up homeschooling her because i wasn't ready to send her away especially when it was such a horrible experience for me and bill and i don't want that for her, she pulled funny faces back at them, and answered them about their questions she giggled when bill did a funny dance and she tried to do the same but nearly fell off my lap i immediately grabbed her, she looked at me and started giggling at her clumsiness i chuckled at her and then we were done, our manager took kalen off me.

"daddy's gonna go and talk to the woman are you okay to stay with mr gray?" i asked her and she nodded and pretended to take grays nose he chuckled at her and i started to walk off, "urm dada!" she shouted i turned around and she held her hand out to me i chuckled to myself and we did our handshake we always did before interviews, converts or recording she kissed me cheek and i kissed her hand, like the little princess she is she giggled "go dada be late" i smiled and blew a kiss to her and she smiled at me.

"so tom, your daughters gone viral that's the latest news with you, we've got to ask why'd you keep her a secret and pretend she was your cousin?" the woman asked i smiled at the mention of kalen, "well i didn't want her to be the face of the media, and i did want her to have a normal childhood but her mom couldn't keep her mouth shut" i said the interviewer smiled, "well we're happy we now know the tokio hotel heartthrobs secret" she giggled "what's it like having her there all the time to when you didn't?" she asked "well she's a handful and sometimes she can be a lot of work but i wouldn't change her for the world, we've just adapted her into our lives, touring kalens there, rehearsing kalens there trying to sing along with bill, concerts she's waiting in the changing rooms watching us, if we're recording then she's there with the team smiling and dancing about to the music, she really is just a bright soul" i said giggling at the funny moments that popped up in my memories she smiled "and you guys what's it like having a kid around all the time?" "well i love her, especially when tom lets me take her out for the day and we shop for new clothes, it sounds weird but we actually have some very nice conversations while i'm trying to show her about fashion" bill said smiling, "well she's obsessed with playing with my hair so if we're just sat down doing something then she'll be stood behind me braiding it or putting colourful butterfly clips in my hair, or we're planning our next prank let me tell you that kid has got some real good ideas she's definitely gonna give tom a hard time when she's a teenager" georg said and laughs with the interviewer, "god don't remind me i think ill end up getting arrested" i added on rubbing my eyes smiling, "and you gustav what's it like for you?" she asked "well i've adapted to always cutting the crust off everyone's sandwiches because she says it will hurt you if you eat it so none of us are allowed to eat crusts, but she's a nice little helper in the kitchen and she just looks adorable when she gets all dirty from helping me, and the pride she has written on her face giving the band the food she helped make" gustav said smiling "so she's just like a member of the band then" the interviewer said and we nodded smiling "well we're looking forward to watching her grow up then, is she here today?" she asked and i nodded smiling, "oh come on tom youve got to get her out here" she said and i looked to the side and saw the manager with kalen in his arms, i sat up "Komm zu Papa, Baby, die Leute wollen dich treffen."
(come to daddy baby the people wanna meet you.)
i said getting up and walking over to her, i took her off the managers arms and she smiled and we walked back over to the interviewer and i sat back down with her on my lap.

"oh your just so cute, so kalen what's it like living with your dad and uncles?" she asked and kalen smiled, "stinky" she said and we all laughed, "they smell hm?" she asked kalen she nodded, "but it's fun when we all watch movies or bake cakes!" she said exitedly i smiled at her and looked at her in awe as she played with bills rings on his hand, "well your adorable and we'd love to see a lot more of you" she said and kalen smiled, "so is tom a good dad kalen?" she asked and kalen looked up at her "the best!!" she shouted and everyone laughed, the interview ended but kalen started getting fussy again because she was tired so we sat in the green room and she started screaming crying and wouldn't calm down,

"kalen come on your tired let's go to the van and sleep!" i shouted at her and she just cried even more she was really making me mad and lately she's been able to get me mad so much easier it's horrible to say but i'm just building so much anger towards me i can't do this anymore we need a break from eachother.

she eventually fell asleep as bill was fixing his makeup and i put her in her seat in the van, when i closed the door i saw the band with a group of girls i smirked at walked over towards them,

me and this one girl was really hitting it off, she invited me to her house and i accepted but then bill said something,

"but what about kalen? should i take her home?" he asked not in a rude way but more of a questioning way,

my anger grew i cant do things i should be doing as a teenager because i have a damn kid she needs to go honsetly i just need to be able to be a teenager.

i nodded and he smiled and said okay i took the girl back to her home and we slept together, i got home and found bill and kalen asleep in her bed she looked like she'd been crying i smiled at the two infront of me and shit her door going to bed myself.

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now