pt 1; ending 🩶

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Toms pov:
now that everybody in the world knows about kalen, it's kinda nice because we can take her out in proper public and do nice things, after the conversation with bill last night i think it would be nice if i spent some quality time with k so that i can have a clearer observation on what to do and what's best for her, so i've been up since 8 it's now half nine in the morning i have showered and changed i've cleaned ks toy room and bathroom since last night was bath night, i still can't belive her mom would do something like that to her though, it's good because now she needs accompanied visits and only if i say yes, today im taking kalen out all day.

i walked into her room and saw her sound asleep in her bed, i gently shook her, "kalen wake up" she slowly opened her eyes "u k dada?" she asked my heart ached, she hadn't called me papa since the day i i mentioned to bill that maybe she'd be better without me it's only ever been dada and i miss it but i cant stop thinking maybe she heard me, "yeah im okay baby, we're going out today cmon let's get ready," i said and i picked her up and walked over to her closet, i picked a cute outfit for the day while we go to the aquarium, a swimming costume for the water park and and warm outfit for the beach firework show. i mean it when i say im gonna spend the whole day with her.

her cute outfit

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her cute outfit

her swimming costume

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her swimming costume

her swimming costume

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her warm outfit

i got her ready and put her hair into two braids so that it wouldn't come out, i put her sneakers and her coat, we grabbed her baby bag, bow bow and she put her pacifier in her mouth, i smiled at her and picked her up before walk downstairs and out the door, i locked the front door and put kalen in her car seat, i jumped into the drivers seat and set off.

"where are we going dada?" she asked through her pacifier, "we're gonna go to your favourite diner for breakfast and then the rest is a surprise" she smiled as i pulled into the parking lot, i got her out of the car and we walked in i had blueberry waffles with a black coffee and she had chocolate pancakes with strawberry milk, she ate ever bit and we paid and got back into the car, i drove to the aquarium, "dada what is this" she asked as she held my hand walking in i paid for our wristbands and we entered, "remember when we watched finding nemo? and you said you wanted to see real life fishy's?" she nodded well this is where some of them live so we can see them, she giggled, "is nemo here dada? OH AND DORY" she said exited handing me her pacifier i put it into my pocket and smiled "i don't know we'll have to go in and find out" we walked around and she was mesmerised by all the different associated fish we have been here about two hours now and she's still mesmerised i can't get over how big her little eyes can go and how cute she looks she just melts my heart but i still think that it's better if she finds a better family to be with, i frowned at the thought, she pulled my arm to the end of the aquarium and it said "tribute to the film finding nemo, and their was a dory fish and nemo fish her face lit up "dada there is a nemo and dory fishhhh" she said smiling ear to ear that grin it makes me wanna smile i smiled "yeah their is baby" "dada what's that fish?" she said pointing towards the angel fishes "that's called an angel fish baby" i smiled kneeling down to her level, "it's really pretty" she said "kinda like you then princess" i said kissing her cheek, "dada
stowpppp" she giggled and i smiled picking her up, as we walked to the exit through the gift shop, "would you like anything from the gift shop?" i asked her she nodded, "right pick anything you'd like baby" i said and she ran to the necklace setting where she found a pack of two fish necklace's i think it was nemo and his dad, "this dada"  i smiled and took it off her and went to pay the teenager working noticed who i was and was holding in excitement, i picked kalen up "just this please" i said smiling at her and she scanned it "$5 please" i handed her a $10 bill and she gave me a five dollar bill change and i gave it to kalen, "not to sound rude or anything but do you think i bc old get a photo with you two?" she asked nervously, "hey k the girl asked see if she could have a photo with us do you want to be in it?" i asked her and she nodded laying her head in my neck the girl asked someone to take the photo and we took one, "thankyou also, she's such a cutie" she said smiling and waving at kalen which made her smile, "no problem and thankyou" i said and kalen said bye and we walked out of the store, "here k, that dollar i gave you do you want to put it in the dolphin over their to help pay for the fish to stay safe?" i asked her and she nodded jumping out of my arms and running to the dolphin before running back to me after putting the money in the box, we went back to the car holding her tiny hands, when i was buckling her in she gave me the daddy fish necklace, "why you giving me this k?" i asked her and she smiled, "because then when you look at it you'll remember that your my daddy fish" i smiled and took it from her as i out hers around her neck, "i'm gonna hang mine in the car so i can always see it" she smiled and nodded, we then drove off to the water park to swim.

i got her into her swimming costume and then we went off to swim we had been playing in the baby bit until she wanted to go in the big bit so i put her arm bands on and we went into the big bit we spent another hour splashing and playing about, listening to her be a kid and he belly laugh made me think about things if i give her up, ill never hear her laugh like that again....

"hey k can daddy ask you a question?" she nodded "why don't you call me papa anymore?" she started looking sad as she climbed to my chest, "because i heard you tell unc bill that you didn't want a baby anymore, and i thought it made me sound like a big girl so i wasn't a baby so you will want me" she said and my heart dropped, i knew she heard me, "baby daddy will always want you and he will always love you no matter what don't ever think that i won't!" she hugged me and i hugged back, its decided she's staying with me. "dada i tiwed" she said she mumbles her words when shes tired, "cmon baby lets go get dressed and go eat i'll take you home so we can have a nap" she smiled, we got out and i changed her into her warm outfit, we went thru mcdonald's drive through and ate in the car since it was pretty busy in the restaurant, we got home and we laid on the couch she wanted to watch snow white, i put it on and checked the time it was 3pm i set an alarm for 5pm and we cuddled on the couch until we both fell asleep.

i woke up to my alarm and shook k awake she woke up and i put her sponge bob on the tv and went to make dinner just made cheeseburgers and she ate it all again, we got into the car and drove to the beach we found a nice spot to sit and watched the fireworks she eventually fell asleep laid on my lap watching the fireworks i carried her to the car fastening her in and drove home i put her in her pjs.

i put her in my bed and went to go get changed i threw my dreads in a bun and looked at her, this is right this is where she belongs for now with me

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i put her in my bed and went to go get changed i threw my dreads in a bun and looked at her, this is right this is where she belongs for now with me.

i got in bed with her and fell asleep cuddling my babygirl.

chapter 8 ✅

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now