pt 1; the "left" one 💚

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"she's my child, you never wanted her you only wanted her when you knew one day it would be blown in your face"
~lily baker

Toms pov:
it's been 2 weeks since kalen was sick she's all better now,
turns out the day she had spent with her mom, she had gotten colic from dirty cutlery, my baby was in the hospital for two days laid in them uncomfortable beds because her mom was too out of it to clean the cups forks and plates she served my baby's food on, another reason why i'm trying to push for accompanied visits, she's settled into her new room and it's safe to say i'm constantly picking up her toys.

anyway, i woke up to someone hammering their fists onto my front door screaming mine and kalens names. first i thought it was bill but then i remembered he's spending the day with my mom, i tried to ignore it until my princess come running into my room crying because she was scared.

"dada, dada, dada" she said tears running down her face, instantly i sat up and ran towards her i checked all over her body to make sure she wasn't hurt, "what's wrong princess" "dada i scawed, the banging and shouting woke me up, dada bad man?" she said clinging to my chest, "no baby theirs no badman here and don't be scared look let's go see who it is" i said hugging her tight rubbing her back, i walked downstairs with her in my arms, and unlocked the front door and opened it.

"lily what the fuck you scared the shit out of kalen" i said rolling my eyes letting her in, "you didn't answer when i knocked lightly" she said looking around, "yeah because we was asleep, doesn't mean you should hammer my front door in" i said stroking kalens hair, "hi mommy" kalen said still burring her head into my neck, "hi baby, give mommy a cuddle" she said "no lily it's time for her to eat baby what do you want for breakfast?" i asked k, "toast and strawberry milk" she said sniffling i nodded and walked into the kitchen with lily following behind me still observing the house.

"all the expensive stuff is locked away so don't even try it lily" i said putting kalen in her high chair and putting on the coffee pot and bread in the toaster, lily huffed, "you didn't bring her for my weekend last night tom why" she stated sitting down,

"no, we don't talk about stuff like this infront of her, i'll call bill to come and get her and then we can have this conversation" i said sternly buttering kalens toast cutting off the crust and giving her, her milk and toast and she immediately started eating.

lily nodded and i poured us both a cup of coffee and called bill,
bill: "hey tom what's wrong?"
me: "lily's here and wants to talk do you mind taking kalen for a hour?"
bill: "if i can have her for the whole day and do whatever i choose then sure i'd love too."
me: "is this gonna hurt my bank account?"
bill: "no im paying in on my way get her ready."
me: "okay thanks bill i'll tell her now."
bill: "see ya tom"
me: "ja bye"
the call ended and i looked at kalen

"hey baby, uncle bills taking you out for the day, should we go get you ready?"
i said to her "yayyyyyy, get ready" she said and i smiled picking her up and turning to lily, "wait here" i said to her running upstairs with kalen.

i put her in her all in one with a long sleeved top and some sneakers,

after that i heard arguing from downstairs that indicated bill was here, so i quickly put kalens hair into a ponytail and picked her up to go back downstairs

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after that i heard arguing from downstairs that indicated bill was here, so i quickly put kalens hair into a ponytail and picked her up to go back downstairs.

"oh shut it your the worst mother in the world"
bill shouted "that's it" lily shouted back and i saw her lunge for bill, i quickly put kalen down and ran over splitting them up, "HEY, NOT INFRONT OF MY CHILD I KNOW YOU TWO DONT LIKE EACH OTHER BUT YOU DONT EVER FIGHT INFRONT OF MY CHILD" i shouted "but tom" bill said but i cut him off "nien bill nien not infront of kalen" i said and he looked down, "okay k give daddy a kiss before you go" she came running to me pacifier in her mouth and bow bow in her arms i kneeled and hugged her tightly kissing her forehead, "now you go have a good day with uncle bill and have fun" i said and she smiled walking to put her coat on, "bill make sure she has dinner, don't hype her up on sweets, don't go mad on clothes and have her home for dinner" i said and he nodded "i can promise that 2 of those things will happen but the other 2 i can't promise anything" he said smiling and we hugged before he grabbed kalens hand and walked out the door.

"now you wanna tell me why my daughter wasn't dropped off at my house last night?" lily said in a demanding tone, "watch your tone and because the last time i left MY child with you she was in the hospital with colic for two days!, why would i bring her back if i know she'll just get sick again, you couldn't even properly look after her for a day without her being hospitalised" i said calmly "doesn't mean you get to keep my child away from me tom" "No she's MY child, I looked after her when she was sick I changed her shitty dippers, I got up at every night feed, I was their for her first word, I was the one who encouraged her into taking her first steps and it ME who she lives with so don't ever tell me what to do with MY child, you crushed the ability to be able to use that excuse when you walked out on her seven times, you chose to walk away i stayed so i will decide what's best for MY CHILD OKAY!!" i said emphasising the i's, me's and i shouted a little bit at the end because she was getting me mad.
"she's my child, you never wanted her you only wanted her when you knew one day it would be blown in your face"

"no i told you lily to get an abortion and you refused, then you walked out, i said i didn't want her from the day you told me you was pregnant, from the moment i held her for the first time i made a promise to that little girl to always be there and i am. i keep her out of the media for her privacy and safety and i always make sure she's well taken care of and you never helped that little girl was raised by me and the band! not you! why do you want to see her anyways?"ni asked confused,

"she was gonna help me with a project"

that's odd what fucking project can a three year old help her with,

"i'm going to the bathroom i'll be two minute" i said to her and she nodded letting out an angry sigh

once i got to the bathroom i pulled out my phone and called bill,

me: "hey bill do me a favor ask kalen what is e project she was supposed to help her mom with" i said
bill: "okay two sec"
i waited for bill to come back to the phone.
bill: "okay she said that her and lily was in town with a sign and she had to roll about in the mud to get dirty and when people asked if she was okay she said she had to say she was hungry and pretend to cry for her mom to get money for her white flour she puts up her nose to help her feel better"
i felt my heart drop she used my kid to scam people into giving her money to pay for fucking drugs
me: "okay thanks bill, i'll sort this" i said he hummed and i enddd the call walking out furious,

"you used my daughter to scam money for drugs?" i asked her walking out of the bathroom, "now tom i know how it sounds" she tried to explain and i cut her off, "no it's exactly how it sounds get the fuck out of my house now, you will be hearing from my lawyer, your never allowed to see kalen again!" i shouted,

"you can't do that she's my child! i sue you for custody" she shouted back, "then i'll see you in court won't i! because we both know you won't win" i shouted back "oh i will the mothers always get custody" she shouted grabbing her ripped up coat, i noticed she had red eyes a running nose and she was dressed like she'd been clubbing all night, "well in this case i think we both know i'll win, now" i pushed out of the front door, "get off my property before i call the cops" she flipped me off and walked away.

i closed the door and leaned against it closing my eyes letting out a deep breath my poor babygirl she doesn't deserve none of this.

chapter 3 ✅

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon