pt 3; the "cute" one ❤️

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~Kalen Kaulitz

kalens pov:
its nice here but i do miss my dad and uncle, todays my birthday! i turn 4, mommy and daddy said that they have invited my uncles and tom but they said they don't know if there gonna come and not to get my hopes up incase they don't, but all my new friends from my new school and my forster brothers are going to be there there's going to be a bouncy house and cake and a lot of princess toys which i'm super excited about, i also stated dance because i'm really good at it, my foster mommy and daddy said that it's good because they can get money if i dance, sometimes i don't even go to school and we dance all day it's tiring but it's also so fun!!!

they also told me not to call tom dada, or papa anymore because it makes him mad because he doesn't like it and he doesn't love me and doesn't want me and that's why i shouldn't get my hopes up about them coming but i know that they will come even if tom doesnt call and my uncles do, he will still come he never misses my birthday he said that the days a very special day and everything that i want should happen that whole day and i really want to see my uncles and tom.

we was in the party and i was bouncing in the bounce house with my new friends giggling when my forster mommy called me, "kalen come here someone's here to see you"
i smiled and jumped out of the bounce house and ran over to her and that's when i saw them all,

i jumped in joy and ran towards them all "OH MY GOD, UNC BILL I MISSED YOU LOOK AT MY PRETTY DRESS! UNC G LOOK MY HAIRS LONG LIKE YOURS! UNC GUS GUESS WHAT I STARTED DANCE!!!- oh hi tom...." i remembered what my foster mommy and daddy said and i didn't hug him i kept my distance like they told me too and didn't speak to him, i don't want to make him mad and go home.

"hey k, how's school" my unc bill said hugging me "it's fun unc bill i have so many new friends you have to meet them there all outside!!" "and how's dance ey kalen?" uncle gus said and he hugged me too "it's fun we dance all the time and competitions are really fun we get to dance and i've won really loads of trophies and medals" he smiled and riffed up my hair, "you been taking care of that gorgeous hair of yours?" uncle g said hugging me and i smiled and nodded "atta girl" he said, "well let's give them some time alone shall we" bill said smiling leaving me with tom.

toms pov:
i smiled finally seeing my baby girl after so long, she was happy and her excitement of seeing us all was written all over her face, but then my heart fucking dropped when i heard her call me tom no papa? no dads? not even a daddy? she called me fucking tom. my heart is breaking.

the band left us alone and i kneeled down to her level, "doesn't daddy get a hug k?" i asked smiling at her, "if you want i don't care if it will make you mad though" she said looking down, what the fuck is she on about?

she hugged me tightly and i could feel my souls slowly healing holding my daughter in my arms after all of this time,

"is bow bow at your house tom?" she asked me a tom again, "no baby he's not, should we go outside so you can play hm?"

"sure" she said and she slowly held my hand going outside.

she's acting really weird and not normal at all.

i'm so confused.

did i do the right thing?

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