pt 3; the "fun" one 🩷

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"nein tom! it's her 4th birthday and her foster parents have asked for us to go so they can talk to you, we're going weather you like it or not!"
~Gustav Shäfer

toms pov:
so i've just pulled into the studio we're re-recording dutch den monsun into english, today im gonna ask the band what they think about going to kalens birthday party this weekend and what we should do, i kinda feel like we should go and it would be good for kalen to see us all again and speak to me personally i know the guys call all the time but the parents blocked my number but it would be nice to see how my baby's doing in her new home i hope she okay and she's fitted in okay and that she's happy and healthy, but  have this feeling in my stomach that something wrong and she's not safe and she needs me i have a feeling this invitation isn't in good spirits and if i go there's no way im gonna leave without changing my mind on taking kalen back, either im gonna see her so happy im gonna let her forget all about me or im gonna want to take her home with me and hide her from the rest of the world and just keep her with me forver,

i got out of the car locking it and walked into the studio, me and the guys spent a couple hours recording and then we decided to take a break,

"so lily came round yesterday" i said and they all snapped their heads towards me, "what?" bill said and i looked at him, "the lockwoods have officially invited us to kalens 4th birthday party they said they need to talk to me about something" i said looking at my shoes, "are you gonna go?" georg said asking me and i shook my head no, "gustav then chirped in, "tom you have to go, are you a stupid cow?" he asked and i looked at him "but gustav-" he cut me off "nein tom! it's her 4th birthday and her foster parents have asked for us to go so they can talk to you, we're going weather you like it or not!" he said and i looked down he's right tho it's not just about me we all lost her and i never actually thought about how it would make the band feel and if they wanted to go and go and see her, i was just thinking of myself but now it looks like im gonna be forced to go weather i like it or not apparently i started sulking and sat back in the chair, "fix the face tom!" bill said and i pulled a face at him

i made the right choice.

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now