pt 2; the "favorite" one 💛

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"i hope you know what your doing tom, because the future of that little girl rests in your hands"
~Bill Kaulitz

toms pov:
it's been nearly a week since bill stopped talking to me and i was a good brother and let him have his space, because i know this is going to hurt him as much as it hurts me because he spends just as much time with my little girl then i do, but id had enough of not having my brother there to help me and i think i myself need some emotional support, kalens asked to see him anyways, oh my kalen i haven't told her about anything yet, but i met her foster parents the other day mrs katy lockwood and mr derek lockwood, there a couple that lives 30 minutes away with their own twin sons, it had a yellow flag near there name and when i asked about it miss thomas said that their last foster child had accused them of using them for money, and putting them to work by playing sports they could bet on and know they could win but she reassured me it's not true, it hurts knowing that i'm gonna miss so much things in her life but this is something that's good for both of us.

bill was the on his way and we was going to do a movie day with kalen since we know what's happening we wanted to spend as much time with her as we could, she doesn't understand what's happening and id dread to think about what her reactions going to be because she's always been with me unless she was at my moms or bills she has always been by my side since the day i took her home from the hospital when her mom did her first runner.

"dadddyyy" she said running down the stairs, "k don't run down the stairs you'll hurt yourself" she smiled "when's unc bill coming?" "hes just set off so should we go and put our pjamas on?" i asked her and she smiled i picked her up and went upstairs with her and put her on my bed, i tied my dreads up into a bun and put her hair in a bun, i grabbed our matching pyjama's

"dadddyyy" she said running down the stairs, "k don't run down the stairs you'll hurt yourself" she smiled "when's unc bill coming?" "hes just set off so should we go and put our pjamas on?" i asked her and she smiled i picked her up and went upst...

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i just wore some sweatpants with the shirt and put kalen the same colour sweatpants, we heard bill bust through the door.

"kalen, tom! come on we have 7 disney movies to watch we better get started!" me and kalen giggled and walked downstairs he looked at us, "oh my god how cute" he said he was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with plaid bottoms we got loads of snacks popcorn, sweets chocolate fizzy drinks and sat on the sofa, we watched snow white finding nemo and sleeping beauty before kalen fell asleep.

"tom let's go outside for a smoke  i need to talk to you" he said and i nodded and gently lifted kalens head off my lap and putting it back down on the pillow and walked onto the garden with him, we lit our cigarettes up and smokes silently for a little bit,
"are you sure you know what your doing tom?" he asked i blew some smoke out, "yeah bill this is best for her she deserves a proper family and a normal life away from all this, she's 3 and she's been around the whole globe, she's constantly up past her bedtime in the studio she's been on about 1000 planes and i can't even bring myself to send her to school, she deserves a normal life bill this life is for us it's what we wanted but she never asked for this" i said and took another puff he did the same and nodded, "i hope you know what your doing tom, because the future of that little girl rests in your hands" he said putting his cigarette out, i nodded doing the same, "i know bill i know" i said and he hugged me tight "im gonna miss her so much tom" he said "i know im going to miss her too, im going to miss everything about her" i said hugging him back,  we separated and joined kalen back on the sofa and finished watching cinderella.

this is the right thing to do tom...

Hell is our girl // tom kaulitz Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt