Chapter Fifteen: The beginning of the End

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First Person (Cole Pov, show)

I sat up on the top of the gorilla-looking mech. Ten minutes ago Nya, Zane, Lloyd, and Kai's copy showed us their mechs while we were waiting for the others to come back with a report. Lloyd said if they didn't get back by one in the morning we were going to go over and see what happened. Just in case. My copy's mech was pretty cool, I had to admit. He seemed to like music a lot, it's even how he attacks those shark guys our copies keep talking about.

This world's Master Wu came walking into the room and sat on the couch next to Lloyd's copy. I really miss Master Wu. I can imagine Lloyd does too, being Master Wu is his uncle. Master Wu would have given us some advice, and we really need it right now. That criminal has the realm crystal, and if anyone should know, nothing good can become of that.

"Guys! Guys!" The doors to the warehouse suddenly burst open revealing Jay's copy panting. My copy came bursting in behind followed by Nya.

"They're leaving tomorrow!" Yelled Jay's copy.

"Woah, calm down!" said Lloyd. He jumped down from the top of the dragon mech he was sitting on with his copy. "What's happening?"

Jay's copy took a deep breath before saying;

"The criminal you guys said sent you here has kidnapped all those people, brainwashed them! He's planning on leaving tomorrow!"

Lloyd looked surprised.

"We need to hurry." Lloyd looked behind Nya obviously looking for someone. "Where are Jay and Zane?"

"Zane wouldn't leave without finding out how the people were brainwashed and Jay stayed behind with him. Zane set us back to warn you so we could make a plan," said Nya.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked as I jumped down from my copy mech.

"We're going to trash the place." Lloyd smiled.


Everyone began running around the warehouse trying to find anything to help destroy the villain's base. If they were planning to go back to Ninjago that wouldn't be good. There is no one to protect the city right now! I reached and grabbed my war hammer and hooked it to my back. It was heavy but nothing I couldn't handle. Apparently, the warehouse had a supply of throwing stars so we all grabbed a few and put them in our belts. The copies we're reading are their mechs.

The doors to the warehouse opened again to Jay and Zane.

"Jay! Zane, your back!" Nya ran over and hugged her Yin.

"What did you find out?" asked Lloyd, walking over.

"Jay found blueprints to a machine which is what is causing all these people to be brainwashed," said Zane. He held up the blueprints. "It seems to be placed on a person's hand and if it touches you then it sends an electrical shock to your brain. The new wavelength is sent to another device which controls all these people." Zane flipped the paper over. "The device is a headpiece that is placed inside your ear and a little microphone at the mouth."

"So how do we stop it?" asked Kai. He walked up and stood beside me.

"All we have to do is destroy it, that will set everyone's wavelengths back to normal," concluded Zane.


Third person (Show)

Everyone was working on something. They were about to leave. The sun was above the trees by now and no one had gotten sleep last night. They were all tired but they needed to be ready for the oncoming battle.

"Is everyone almost ready?" Lloyd asked. He was standing by the entrance to the warehouse with Master Wu. They had just been talking.

"We're all set over here," said Nya. She had been helping fix the mechs alongside Jay and her copy.

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