Chapter Five: Patrolling

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First-person (Jay Pov Show)

Cole and I had just left the group and were heading to the right side of the city. We didn't really know where we were going so we were trying to remember landmarks.

I doubt that those strangers would be out in broad daylight, but we had to try to find them before it was too late.


It had been a few hours and Cole and I had still found nothing. They were heading towards a building that looked like a school. I took one glance at it and saw a giant sign at the front doors that said Ninjago High. Yep, definitely a school.

"I'm so hungry!" said Cole. He was dragging his feet on the ground. "We've been out here for hours!"

Jay rolled his eyes.

"Let's go look behind the school," I said.

"Why would anyone be back there?"

"Why wouldn't they? No one goes back there." I answered.

Cole didn't have a comeback to that so we walked around behind another building and jumped up on a wall that separated the school from this property. It was a big wall and Cole and I used spinjitzu to get up.

The area was small. There was a window and one door that led out to a dumpster. One light hung over the door, but it was off because it was still light out. I couldn't see through the window at my angle.

"There's no one here, who would have thought," said Cole.

"What if they were here and we never checked?"

"They would have to leave eventually!"

I jumped down from the wall and landed next to the dumpster.

"There's no food here unless they are willing to eat this trash," said Cole.

Cole jumped onto the dumpster, but he slipped and fell over sliding off the dumpster also spilling trash bags on top of him. I burst out laughing.

"Nice trip!" I said holding my stomach.

Cole was on his feet getting out of view from the window.

"It's not funny!" He said turning away.

I followed him, also staying out of view from the window and laughing.


(Kai's Pov Show)

Zane and I were on the left side of town. I was following behind Zane because He seemed to know more about where we were going than I did. He had also changed his appearance to look like a human. Zane stops every so often to scan our surroundings. Then one time he stops and turns to me.

"I think we should split up to cover more ground, but still stay close to one another so if either of us finds something we can easily call the other over."

"Okay," I said. "I'm gonna go that way." I was pointed out by a cluster of stores.

"I'll go to the other one."

I watched Zane walk away but I could easily pick him out of the crowd. I wandered over to an outside restaurant looking at all the delicious food.

It smells so good! But I don't have any money. Our gi really needed pockets.

"I wonder what the Secret Ninja Force is doing now."

I whipped my head around to look at a little girl with brown hair sitting with an old man with graying hair. Did he just say, Ninja?

"Being a ninja would be so cool!" said the girl. "I would make sure no bad guys would ever mess with our city again!"

Kai smiled. Being a ninja is cool. Thought Kai. He kept walking around to other stores thinking about what the girl said. There's a secret ninja force, but if it was so secret then why would she know about the group? And who were the secret ninja force? These were all questions he would have to wait to get the answer to.

This chapter is realllllly short, but hopefully tomorrow I'll have chapter six done. I have already started it, so I'll probably finish it tonight and get started on chapter seven. I don't really have a plan for how this story's gonna go but I have a basic outline of it. I'm just going with the flow.

Love Zaliya.

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