Chapter Eight: Disappearances

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First Person (Lloyd Pov, show)

I slowly opened my eyes to the bright light that was spilling in from the window next to the bed I was sleeping in. I sat up accidentally pushing one pillow off the bed and onto the floor. Everyone else was already awake watching the news. I rubbed my eyes briefly and looked over at the clock. It was ten A.M. Wow, I must have been tired.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face to help wake myself up. Then I took a quick shower and put my gi on under my new clothes. I walked back out and sat back down on the bed.

"And for today's report, we have something very strange." said a reporter that looked vaguely like Gale Gossip.

I looked up, and that sentence also seemed to drag the attention of the other ninja who were softly talking with each other.

"We've been getting reports that many people have gone missing overnight." Pictures of the missing people popped up on the screen one after the other.

"We have no idea why this is happening, and the police are actively trying to figure out what is going on. To whoever's watching this right now I ask you to please stay safe and always go somewhere with another person," said Gale.

The ninjas looked at each other.

"We didn't notice any of this happening last night!" exclaimed Nya.

"Our copies distracted us!" said Kai, jumping up angrily.

"What would you have done if you saw a copy of yourself?" I asked Kai, glaring at him. I was a little mad that we didn't notice this going on but I wasn't going to let Kai blame it on our copies.

Kai grumbled and stood back against the wall.

"Do you think this has anything to do with those two criminals that were looking for?" asked Nya.

"It is possible, and highly likely. Since the news reporter said that it happened last night I believe that our criminals made their move," said Zane. "Pixal says he might have even waited till he knew we were busy with our copies because we didn't notice anything out of the ordinary before."

"We really need to find more information about these two dudes!" said Jay crossing his arms. "Like who are they and why the heck did they want to come here of all places!"

"Agreed," said Cole.

"We should walk around the city and look for more clues on where the two criminals went," Zane informed the ninja.

"Okay," I said looking at the whole group. "We should stay in bigger groups for protection. We don't know what those two are capable of."

Everyone nodded.

"Jay, Cole, Zane," I pointed to them. "You're a group, and Kai, Nya, and I will be a group. We meet back here at two thirty."

We all went out the door and went our separate ways.

"You know, we could use more help looking for these new criminals," Nya said looking at me.

"I was thinking the same thing. They definitely need more training but they are still six more pairs of eyes."

"They even have the same powers as us. I was fighting my copy yesterday and he shot a fireball at me," said Kai, still looking a little grumpy.

"We could help them control their elements better, along with ninja skills," Nya looked excited now.

"That sounds like a good idea," I said. "After we meet at the hotel and eat we should go over and wait for them to finish school."


It was three-thirty and we were making our way to the secret ninja force's secret base that wasn't so secret. We had already eaten at the hotel's restaurant, and I had told them Nya's plan. They all seemed on board with Nya's idea for training their counterparts. We all wanted a break from searching.

"It's just up ahead!" said Zane who was taking the lead.

The ninja turned a corner and was met with the same building they were in last night.

I walked up and knocked on the door hoping Master Wu was there. To my relief, the door opened and Master Wu let us inside. Last night I didn't really get a good look at everything in the warehouse. There were six mechs. All were made to each of their copy's elemental strengths. On the right was a sitting room with the TV they had all sat on last night. The left side had a small kitchen that was most likely used if they ever couldn't go home and have something small to eat. There was training equipment in the middle of the warehouse littered all over the floor, and there were some punching bags poking out of the ground.

We can use those for training, I thought.

"I assume you're waiting for the ninja?" asked Master Wu.

They were all standing in the middle of the warehouse now in the center of all the training gear.

"Yeah. We decided that we should help train them a little bit before going out to look for the criminals again. They seem more capable than we expected." I said and my friends all nodded behind me.

"Well, why don't we wait in the lounge area." Wu led us to the couch we were on last night. We all took a seat and looked at each other and then Wu. It felt strange seeing him after being missing for a year, but to know that it was not actually him. "Why don't you tell me about yourselves?"

Sorry about the long wait, I've been very busy lately and haven't had enough sleep. It's not a very long chapter because I just wanted to get this posted. It's a filler chapter because I didn't really know how else to do this chapter.

Love Zaliya

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