Chapter Thirteen: The Science Project

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This is the right chapter don't worry, it makes sense at the end. 

First-person (??? Pov)

I met Zyren in science class. He was my lab partner. I was working on our project. Zyren tried to help in the beginning, but he soon gave up, not understanding everything I was doing. You see, I am a child genius. I have 178 Iq.

The project was to invent something that would help humans. I could be anything, a cleaning robot, a trash can that replaced the bag, anything. I decided that I wanted to build a machine that could change plastic into a non-toxic substance, it would help the world! Zyren was smart but wasn't as smart as me. He didn't really care though.

"This is stupid," said Zyren as he leaned back in his chair. It threatened to slip out from underneath him.

"Actually, I find this fun," I said to Zyren.

"Of course, you do," said Zyren sarcastically. "Goodie two shoes."

I rolled my eyes. Zyren was the kind of guy who thought he was too cool for school.

Zyren always wears black. He had a black hoodie with a skull on the front with two swords on the back. His hair was draped in front of his face, so it hid his eyes. He would occasionally sweep his hair to the side to see. He always had a mask on him, like he was a ninja or something, but when I asked about it, he gave me such an offended look and got all up in my face and whispered,

"I'm not a Ninja." Then he stalked away mumbling something under his breath. I learned after being his lab partner that he hates the Ninja.

Zyren came over to my house some days to look like he was helping with the project, he mostly sat there watching me work. He would look around my room as if mapping it out looking at all my science posters.

"The project's due tomorrow, are you sure you're gonna finish it?" He asked.

"Of course. I have never missed a deadline." I answered.

"Just checking." He said. "You know, you're not that bad. For a goodie two shoes I mean," he added when he saw me looking at him with a confused expression. He didn't say anything after that, and when I asked him if he was still coming over to my house after school he just nodded his head.

Science was the last class of the day so when the bell rang Zyren and I left and started walking to my house.

"Have you heard about those Ninja and the Verminalan warriors?" Zyren suddenly asked.

"Yeah, It's all over the news."

"I hope those verminalan warriors kick those Ninja's butts."

I glanced at him, and his face was hardened in hatred.

"Why do you hate them so much?"

Zyren shook his head. "I'm not going to talk about it." Then he whispered something quietly under his breath that I couldn't hear.

A few minutes later I sat down at my desk in my room, Zyren sitting on my bed looking around at my room. There were a bunch of blueprints on the wall and metal scraps in a bin in the corner.

"What's left to do?" Zyren asked.

"All that's left is to fix this part, and screw in this, and-done."

"That was quick," he said, surprised. "Why didn't you finish that in school?"

"Because I wanted to test it out here." I reached down and grabbed a plastic water bottle from a drawer. I have been collecting these ever since the project started.

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