Chapter Two: High School Ninja

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Chapter Two: High School Ninja

Third person (Lloyd Pov Movie)

The bell rang for the end of the seventh period. Lloyd ran out of his math class in a hurry with his friends Cole, Kai, and Jay.

"Math class is such a bore!" said Kai, dragging his feet down the hallway to their lockers. "Who cares about the area of triangles?"

Lloyd sighed quietly next to Kai. He had to listen to Kai's complaining for an entire forty minutes. He opened his locker. He wished something exciting would happen. Not much has happened since Garmadon's defeat, and the secret ninja force hasn't been needed in a while. Not that Lloyd wanted his father to be evil again, no he liked having his father back, it was that there was no more action, aside from Nya's motorbike.

"Kai! Time my laps!" yelled Nya from atop her motorbike.

"You got it, sis!" Kai pressed something on his watch.

Lloyd watched Nya drive away leaving black skid marks on the floor. Nya certainly kept things interesting.

Cole was leaning against his locker with his eyes closed. You could hear his music bleeding out his headphones, but he didn't care.

Jay walked up and grabbed his science textbook out of his locker. His trademark orange scarf was around his neck. Zane followed behind Jay.

"Does anyone want a popsicle?" asked Zane as he held out ice on a stick.

"Sure," said Jay, Kai, and Lloyd all at the same time. Cole was still listening to his music and didn't hear anything.

Nya came hurtling around the corner and she skidded to a halt almost knocking Kai over.

"What will I get?" asked Nya.

"One minute twenty-one seconds," Kai answered.

"New record!" shouted Nya. She jumped off her bike and grabbed her science textbook. "Better hurry if we're goanna make it to science class!" and Nya took off running with her backpack half open in her rush.

Lloyd, Jay, and Kai looked at each other and followed. Zane and Cole had gym.

Lloyd ran the halls trying to keep up with Nya, but she had a big head start. Soon Lloyd, Jay, and Kai were all trying to catch their breath as they sat down at their table.

"Cutting it close again, are we?" asked the science teacher as the bell rang.

They all nodded. Mis. Jordan rolled her eyes secretly at the group.

"Everyone take out the packet I gave you yesterday. We are going to be taking notes."

Mis. Jordan pulled up the virtual copy on her board up front. She enlarged it so the whole class could see. She walked over and took the pen off the board and started talking. Lloyd wasn't listening. He was staring out the window, but there wasn't much to see. It just showed the empty space between the school and the apartment buildings next to the school. There was a dumpster that looked like it was overflowing with trash bags.

Nya nudged Lloyd's leg from under the table. Lloyd snapped his attention to Nya who slightly jerked her head towards Mis. Jordan. She was looking expectantly at him.

"Sorry what?" asked Lloyd.

"I said can you tell me what the protoplast includes?" and she pointed to the board behind her.

Lloyd's mind was blank.

"I don't know."

"Please pay attention Mr. Garmadon, " said Mis. Jordan.

Lloyd felt embarrassed at being called out in front of the entire class; he looked down so no one could see his red cheeks.

For the rest of class, Lloyd kept his face forward looking at the board pretending he was listening but he was spacing out.

After school, the secret ninja force was walking to their secret ninja base. The warehouse.

"Are you okay Lloyd? You seemed a bit distant in science," asked Nya.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking about how there is nothing much for us to do anymore. With my father defeated, what's left for us to do?"

"I know exactly how you feel," said Nya. "I've been dying for some action." She ran ahead and started walking backward facing the group. "I want to kick some bad guy butt!"

"There's got to be something for us to do. Mabey at night we can patrol and see if we can find anyone up to no good. Plus, even if we don't find anyone at least we could have extra stealth training." said Kai.

"I agree with Kai," said Zane.

"Same here," said Cole raising his hand.

"Let's go ask Master Wu!" said Jay and the secret ninja force ran the rest of the way to their secret base.

Finally! I stayed up till one in the mooring to get this done. Cole in this chapter is hard to write with his personality being different from show Cole. But Cole's my favorite character if you couldn't tell. I've read other stories like this, and I wanted more Lloyd Pov's so I'm goanna do more of those.

Love Zaliya

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