Chapter Ten: Old Habits

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First Person (Lloyd's pov, movie)

I stared at the ceiling above my bed. We trained with our counterparts for five hours and we were all really tired so my copy just decided that everyone should go to bed and we could search for the criminals tomorrow night. My friends and I walked together and we slowly started separating towards our house until it was just me. Uncle always stays later than us at the warehouse. I ate dinner with my mom and rushed my homework. Now I was in my bed thinking. Before, I didn't really have time to think because I was too busy trying to avoid getting punched or kicked. Now my mind was free to wander. All my old insecurities were coming back.

The other Lloyd has a power! He's a WAY better fighter than you, and he's a much better leader. He looks so confident and quick with all his decisions. My friends would be better off if I wasn't there. I don't even have any power. My element is GREEN.

I sighed and rolled over pulling the covers higher on my body.

I'm a useless ninja. I didn't even defeat my father. And yeah I'm happy he's no longer evil, but the other Lloyd defeated him! Why am I so useless!?

Opened my eyes. I felt eyes on me. I scanned my room for signs of movement. Nothing. I'm just being paranoid.


It's the next day and I'm now in my second period of school. History. It was like having Professor Binnss as a teacher except he was alive. He was just as oblivious as Professor Binns also. Half the class had their phones out, a few were staring into space and the rest were all laying their heads down on the desk trying to get extra sleep. I should probably be doing the same. I barely got any sleep last night. Every time I did fall asleep I'd wake up about an hour later in a cold sweat. They were the same dreams I had before I accepted that I was a good enough member of the team even without powers. All the same, thoughts were running through my head but this time I had a few more.

How can I still be a good leader compared to my copy? He leads so confidently like nothing could go wrong. And he has power. I don't really know what it is but he still has one. My counterpart has most likely told all of his friends that I don't have power and they'll all see me as weak, because I am.


I grabbed my stuff, my eyes misty and walked out of the classroom keeping my head down. My next class is study hall with Zane. He always helps me with my history homework because he's the only one who pays attention. He helps everyone with their homework being the nindroid on the team. I spot Zane in the hallway heading towards me and I put a smile on my face.

"Hey, Zane."

"Hello, Lloyd. How are you today?"

"Good, you?" This is our usual greeting.

"I am also doing good. Do you have any homework you need help with today?"

"Uh, yeah. My math homework."

We entered the classroom and sat at our regular table at the back and I pulled out my math homework for Zane. I turned my head towards the front of the class and saw an older man that was differently not our study hall teacher. Guess we have a sub today. Wonder what happened to Mrs. Johnson. She hasn't missed a class since her nephew was born.


First person (Zane's Pov, show)

"Do you know where Mrs. Johnson is?" Lloyd asked me, shaking my shoulder.

"No, why do you ask?"

"We have a sub today, but she didn't tell us she was going to be anywhere and the last time she was out of class was because of her newborn nephew, and that was two years ago. Isn't it at least a little bit strange to you?"

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