Chapter Seven: Secrets

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First Person (Lloyd Pov Show)

I let our copies lead us to their base. Their base was an old warehouse that they rebuilt and there were six giant mechs all on the sides. All based on their colors.

"What is the meaning of this?" asked a familiar voice, and all the ninjas looked up to see a face they had been searching for months.

"Uncle!" said my copy. "We found this group and they all look like us and have the same names!"

"Why are they in our secret base!" asked Master Wu.

"They were going to explain who they are and they didn't want to be overheard."

"The point of a secret base is for it to be secret!" exclaimed Master Wu.

"I know! It's just I didn't know where else to bring them!"

Master Wu sighed. "If you brought them all the way here then I might as well hear this."

This Master Wu wasn't our Master. It was his copy. I looked down. I wish our Master Wu were still with us.

My copy leads us all to a seating area around a TV. My friends and I all sat near each other on the couch. When everyone was seated I started our explanation.

"We had recently gotten notice that there was suspicious activity around a high-security vault that holds a lot of dangerous items. One is the realm crystal."

"What's the realm crystal?" asked Kai's copy.

"The realm crystal allows a person to travel between all the different realms," said Zane.

They looked satisfied with this explanation.

"We went to investigate to try and stop a possible break in but we were too late. One stranger had already broken in when we got there. We waited for him to exit while we surrounded the door. When he exited he was met with another. We fought the two but they used the realm crystal and we followed through. We don't think they know we're here and we'd like to keep it that way." I finished.

"The realm we were transported to is here, and I seem to be a distant mirror realm to ours," explained Zane. "Many things are different but still close enough to be considered a mirror realm."

"What realm are you from?" asked Nya's copy.

"We're from Ninjago but our Ninjago is very different from yours as Zane just said," I answered.

"This is confusing," said Jay's copy, throwing his hands in the air.

"What were you guys doing creeping around at night anyway?" asked Cole's copy.

"We were looking for the two criminals before you showed up," said Kai, crossing his arms.

"Have you by chance seen two men dressed in all black?" asked Zane.

"No we haven't," said Nya's copy.

"Do you have any more questions?" I asked.

They all shook their heads. They seemed to be satisfied with our explanation.

"I'm exhausted!" yawned Jay and he stretched his arms out. "Can we go get some sleep?"

"Do you guys have a place to stay?" asked Master Wu.

"We have a hotel room at Rosewoods Hotels," I answered. I was feeling tired myself.

"We can help you guys look for those criminals." said my copy looking at me. "Just come back here tomorrow at four."

"Why four?" asked Jay.

"We have school!" said Kai's copy. "And as much as I want to miss it, I have a test tomorrow."

"We do?!" exclaimed my copy jumping in surprise.

"Yeah in Science. She told us today, remember?"

"I wasn't really paying attention."

I turned and led my friends out of the warehouse and headed towards the hotel.

"They don't seem very organized," remarked Cole.

"And their fighting was very sloppy," said Nya.

"How can they even be us?" said Kai, throwing his hands in the air.

"They just need to train more. Maybe we could help them. We could train them a little bit before we go look again for those criminals." I said.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow?" groaned Kai. He yawned. "I'm too tired to think straight."


Zane opened the door to the hotel room and let everyone in.

"I want this bed!" Yelled Kai.

"Quiet!" said Nya looking at Kai.

"I wanted that one!" Cole.

"There are only three beds. Just lay with me," said Kai.

I walked over to the bed closest to the TV and lay down. "I want this one."

"I'll share with Lloyd," said Zane. "Is that okay with you?"

"Of course." I scooted over to the left to let Zane on.

"Wait," said Kai, looking at Jay. "They're not sleeping together."

Nya rolled her eyes. "You're not my boss! I can do what I want." Nya turned to look at Jay.

"Nuh unh," said Kai glaring at Jay. "You two can't be alone in the same bed in a different room."

Nya's face got bright red and so did Jay's.

"Kai better run." I heard Cole say to himself.

Nya walked up to Kai and got in his face.

"That wall is paper thin; you can hear every word we say through that wall! What do you think we would do? Don't answer that question." Nya said when she saw Kai open his mouth. Kai shut it. "I can do what I want because I'm an adult now. I don't need you telling me what I can and can't do anymore. I'm not five! I can take care of myself."

And with that, Nya grabbed Jay's hand and pulled him into the other room, and slammed the door.

After that Kai started mumbling to himself and kept trying to listen through the door.

I know this one's short, but I didn't really know how I wanted this chapter to go. I this isn't my favorite chapter ever. I'm already working on chapter eight and hopefully I'll finish that soon.

Love Zaliya

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