Chapter Four: Is That Cole?

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First-person (Lloyd Pov movie)

It was the fifth period. Gym. One of the ninja's favorite classes. Sure it was only because he was better at most of the games because Uncle kept him and his friends fit during training, but still. Today it was dodgeball. Nya was in his class and he was sure glad he was friends with her. Nya could get competitive at times. And that was putting it lightly. She had already gotten about half of the other team's players out. Lloyd watched as she picked up a ball that was rolling towards her and she chucked it at a kid on the other team who was bending down to grab a ball for himself.

I picked up my own ball. I saw from the corner of my eye a ball flying towards my face and dodged to the left. I looked up to see the person who threw the ball. Their faces instantly morphed into ones of regret. I carefully aimed and threw the ball as fast as I could, and it hit them square in the stomach. Since the ball was half air it didn't hurt the kid.

There were only two kids left on the other team. Our team still had five. Kai was also in my gym class. He was dodging balls left and right and he looked like a ballerina dancer. I chucked to myself with this thought. I noticed a ball coming at me just in time to duck. Kai had just gotten one other kid out. One left.

I started running towards a ball that was nearest me but Nya reached it first. Nya aimed and it was the last kid on the shoulder.


"That was fun!" exclaimed Nya as we were walking to the sixth period.

"Did you see Kai?" asked Lloyd trying to hold back a smile. "He was dodging so many balls you looked like a ballerina dancer!"

Nya laughed, and Lloyd couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed with Nya.

"You all laugh but I didn't get hit once!" And Kai looked over at me.

During the first round, I did get hit with a ball. But that was unfair! My back was turned cause I was helping a kid off the floor who had tripped over a ball.

"That one was unfair!"

Nya laughed again.

The door to sixth period came into view between the sea of students. The teacher was waiting at the front handing out papers.

Great. I thought. This'll be fun.

I grabbed my paper and walked over to Cole who was already sitting in his seat.

"Whatcha listening to?" I asked.

"ACDC," Said Cole, not opening his eyes. He was leaning backward in his chair.

The bell rang and I walked over to my seat at the back of the class. This teacher at the beginning of the year let us sit wherever we wanted, so me and my friends obviously all sat together. The teacher took notes on all her student's friends and when the seating chart was made no one ended up sitting next to their friends. Nya was sitting on the left side of the classroom and Kai was in the front. Cole was on the right side and I was in the back. Many of the kids complained about it including Kai. It was mostly Kai, the teacher said that friends distract you from learning. Lloyd thought that learning all about who were friends with who with every one of her students was a bit extreme.

This didn't really stop anyone from finding ways to communicate with each other because some kids found very creative ways. One friend group communicated through sign language when the teacher turned her back. One of the kids in that group had a deaf brother so he taught it to the others. The most common was notes on paper. It was a secret rule that everyone didn't snitch and would just hand it over to the next person. I thought the most creative one was the group of science geeks who used Morse code to communicate. They used the clicks of their pens.

I found it hard to pay attention in class today too. I was too busy thinking about our patrol last night. Uncle let us out, so we snuck around in the alleyways and jumped on roofs. It was definitely more fun than training. Even though they didn't find anything It was still exhilarating to jump from roof to roof. Uncle is going to let us do it again tonight. It's all I've been thinking about since then. Gym was a nice distraction for a while, but now there was nothing to distract me. I looked down at my paper. I had nothing written down. If the teacher came by now I would be in BIG trouble. I looked up at the board hoping that the answers to one of the questions would be up there but nope. I noticed the teacher wasn't even standing by the board, she was sitting at her desk typing furiously. I looked around and noticed that everyone was looking down at their papers. Looks like a worksheet. I quietly sighed and picked up my pencil and began writing.


It was the eighth period and I was spacing out again. I was looking out the same window I was yesterday. It was exactly the same as yesterday except there were more trash bags if that was even possible. I don't know how it isn't all spilling out.

I sat there for a while with my head facing forward but my eyes out the window. I couldn't wait till nightfall when I and the team would be out there patrolling. I imagined Cole jumping onto the dumpster and falling off spilling the trash bags. He also saw a sliver of blue.


Wait. I wasn't imagining it. A few heads turned towards the window and I blinked a few times just to make sure, but when I opened them Cole was gone. Was that Cole? I kinda looked like him. He was wearing black. But Cole was in the Gym, he couldn't be outside in the dumpster, could he?


Finally! The time I have been waiting for all day! Night patrol time! We just finished our training and I was walking out with Cole next to me.

"Hey, Cole?" I said nudging him with my elbow.


"Did you ever leave the gym today?" I asked.

"No, why?"


Now I was definitely confused. Kai had said he heard the crash, and I said I did too, but I didn't tell them that I thought I saw Cole, because I wasn't certain. Now I don't know what I saw. It was probably some guy who looked like Cole. But then what would he be going in the trash area? It didn't make any sense. I also didn't want to tell the others because I'm afraid they'll think I'm bonkers! But maybe I have lost it. I decided that tonight I'm going to look and see if I can find anyone who looks like Cole, then I'll know I'm not crazy.

Tell me if you guys like this better than the third person POV. 

Love Zaliya

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