The fight (Theodore Nott)

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This chapter is in your perspective.

I sat on my bed waiting for Theo to come by my dorm, he'd been ignoring everyone all week and I wanted to talk to him about it. Eventually Theo knocks on my door and opens it, his eyes look tired like he's got a million things on his mind. He walks over to my bed and collapses beside me face first onto my pillows.

"Teddy, I'm worried about you." I stroke his hair and he rolls over to look at me.

"Don't worry I'm fine." He halfheartedly says rubbing his eyes.

"Teddy I'm serious you've been ignoring everyone all week, you're not eating, not sleeping, it's stressing me out."

"Oh my apologies sweetheart I don't mean to stress you out." Theo says sarcastically.

"God don't get an attitude with me I'm only trying to help." I scoff.

"I don't need your help. I'm fine." He forces the last part out staring daggers at me from across the bed.

"You're not."

"Whatever you're not my mother." He says coldly. "You're not going to replace her."

"Theo I wouldn't try too, I just want to help!"

"You know despite what you think I am capable of taking care of myself."

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?" I retorted.

Theo sits up and stands in front of me, "Get it through your thick skull. I. Am. Fine."

I push him away from me and stand up, "Don't get up in my face you ass."

"I'll do whatever I please, since you know I'm an asshole." He raises his voice.

"You're acting like a child, calm the fuck down." My voice raises with his.

Theo's face goes hard, he steps closer to me pointing a finger at my chest. "God you always fucking think you know best don't you."

"I'm usually right." I spit back.

"Your a fucking twat."

I step closer grinding my teeth and he seethes pushing me against the wall. "Stop trying to get into my head."

"I wouldn't have to try if you'd let me in." I snap.

"I don't want you to know how I feel, I don't want you to know what I've got on my plate, it's my shit to deal with!" His arms hold the wall on either side of me.

"Having a girlfriend is having to let someone in, unload your plate, I can handle it!" I bite back.

"Your so fucking nosy." His hand moves to my neck, "I'm having trouble in my classes! There, is that what you wanted to hear? I'm stupid and can't figure anything out!"

"You are not stupid you just need help." I choke out, suddenly aware that I'm trapped between Theo and the wall.

"I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP. Having to ask my girlfriend for help is pathetic, I can do this all myself."

"Don't yell at me!"

"Don't tell me what to do."

The cold stone wall digs into my back, his hand squeezes my neck making it difficult to breathe. He steps even closer, his face a centimeter away from mine as he screams.

Seeing Theo yell at me like this makes me tear up. I grind my teeth and try not to break, keeping my eyes on his own striking blue ones.

I don't do a good enough job as my knees start to buckle, he won't let me help him, he's too proud and I just want him to stop. Theo suddenly stops yelling, he looks me over and it seems like he for the first time notices the state I'm in. He releases my neck and steps away carefully, he's still breathing loudly and his hands shake with unused adrenaline.

I slide down the wall and hold my knees trying to regain my calm demeanor. I hear the bathroom door close and bring my head back up to look at the ceiling. I don't understand how me and Theo got to this point, everything just got out of hand.

After about twenty minutes I knock on the bathroom door, I hear shuffling and Theodore opens the door. He seems to have calmed down as I have and we stare at each other for a while before he opens the door wider so I can come in. We sit on the floor of my bathroom, I feel the fuzzy pink rug under my thighs and bite back a smile. Theo who was scaring me just minutes ago was now sitting on my baby pink rug and in all honesty the pink suited him as his fingers grazed over it.

"I didn't mean to scare you like that, I just lost my stupid temper" he says, eyes on the floor.

"I didn't mean to pry, I just didn't understand what was wrong." I sigh.

We both look up and our eyes meet, his are big and red like mine, we'd both been crying.

"If you promise not to laugh at me I'll let you help me with astronomy." He says finally after a long silence.

"I'd never laugh at you, and if it helps you feel better you can help me with Potions."

"That'd make me feel better, yeah."

We both let out a long breath that had been stuck in our chests.

"Let's take a shower and go to bed." Theo suggests, "If you'll have me after I acted."

"I'll think about it." I smile and Theo smiles back for the first time tonight.

The warm water trickled down my body as I stood breathing in the warm steam. Theo stood behind me, he had just squirted some shampoo into his hands and started to massage my hair. I closed my eyes as Theo's fingers worked through my hair softly, his body would occasionally brush against mine and a light blush coated my face.

Theo led me under the water and rinsed my hair gently, he hummed some song I didn't know as he stroked my hair. My eyes fluttered open, the water caught on my lashes and I looked up at my boyfriend, his eyes already looking down at me with adoration.

"Beautiful." He whispered under the pouring water.

We rinsed off and Theo stepped out of the shower getting two towels for us. After we dried off, Theo kissed my head lovingly and I couldn't help but smile up at him, a small smile spread on his face as well.

I sat Theo down on the closed toilet, he wore only his boxers and I in my underwear. Theo smiled at me. He was now at my eye level, I wet a razor and began to shave a bit of Theos stubble that had been growing recently. I was very careful not to nick him, but his arms stayed wrapped around my waist keeping me close making it hard.

After I was done I wiped his face with a wet washcloth and felt his soft cheek, "much better" Theo let out a chuckle and tightened his grip around me pressing his face into my chest, "Yes, much better cara mia."

We laid in bed that night tangled in an embrace, Theo's warm breath against my neck, his fingers caught in my hair. 

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