Snow day (Theodore Nott)

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This chapter is told from your perspective.

Request from _san1Chk

It was a cold December day as I sat in the library flipping through the pages of homework I still needed to get done. Theo sat to my right, he was bent over his textbook trying to copy down some Herbology notes. My eyes wandered to the windows and I was delighted to see huge snowflakes flutter down to the ground. It must have been snowing for a while, the ground was covered in a thick blanket of white snow.

I shook Theo by the shoulder and pointed out at the snow, "Look! Theo, it's snowing!!"

Theo ripped his eyes from the book and stared out the windows, "Yes darling I can see that, I do have eyes." He rolled said eyes and dipped his quill in his ink.

"Ugh you are such a dick." I smile and grab his arm pulling him up from the table, causing him to spill ink on the floor but before he can scold me I'm tugging him into the hallways.

"Have you lost your mind?" He looks at me with wide eyes as I lead him to one of the archway doors, opening it and sending a gust of ice cold air into the haven of warmth.

"We've been in a cramped library all day Theo, I think we should have some fun"

I ran out the doors and the falling snow swirled around my senses, the cold went straight through my bones. I looked beside me and Theo stood next me looking up at the sky, the snow fell delicately onto his hair and his eyelashes making him look like an angel.

I couldn't help myself, and scooped up a handful of snow and crushed it into his back. The snow ball immediately soaked his blazer and he gasped at the coldness seeping into his back.

"You little shit!" He exclaimed looking at me with wide eyes. He began to scoop snow into his hands forming it into a ball and I took the chance to sprint in the other direction.

As I ran I felt the snowball hit the back of my head and I let laughter escape my lips as I fell on the snow covered ground. My limbs instantly began to move creating a snow angel, I heard hard breathing and Theo collapsed beside me and began to create his own angel me.

We stood up to look at our work smiling, Theo jabbed his finger into my side playfully "Mines taller than yours."

I laughed as he scooped me up in his arms and threw me over his shoulders, "I'm too Italian for the cold." Theo joked as he carried me back into the school. 

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