Deatheater (Theodore Nott)

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This chapter is from your point of view.

As I walked down the halls for class I turned the corner and saw some poor fifth year getting tossed around by Draco Malfoy's gang, the fifth year got pushed up against the stone wall and Theodore Nott stuck a wand to his neck sneering something into the terrified boy's ear. The rest of the gang laughed and shoved the boy towards a broom closet. I didn't have the heart to keep watching and made my way to the classroom.

I sat down in Ancient Runes ready for the usual texts to decipher when the teacher excitedly told us some rich old wizard donated a book of ancient texts to Hogwarts to look over, and our teacher wanted us to partner up for the new unplanned project.

I was thrilled and immediately turned to my friend Hermione but before I could ask her to be my partner the teacher added "I'll be pairing you all up myself, since this is a big project I don't want any of you distracting each other."

The teacher flicked her wand to the black board and a list of partners were displayed. I scanned the board hopefully but as soon as I saw my name next to his I lost all interest, me and Theodore Nott had been paired together. It's not like he was going to be a bad partner, he was actually in all the difficult classes and he excelled in them, but he was a Deatheater.

Theodore Nott terrorized the first years with his Slytherin pure-blood buddies and wreaked absolute havoc on the school; he was never a ring leader but he certainly loved to cause trouble. His father was in Azkaban for being a Deatheater but not before he convinced the Dark Lord to give Theodore the tattoo.

I felt a sort of cold presence behind me and my body went rigid as a hand went over my shoulders and gripped my desk. "Well I got lucky didn't I?" I heard Theodore snarl behind me.

I took a deep breath and turned to face him, "why don't we just get this over with hm, I'll meet you in the library for study hall and we can start on the text."

"If you insist." His eyes were a striking blue and his sleeves were rolled up to put on display his infamous tattoo. Not exactly knowing what to say back, I just readjusted myself in my seat and listened to the rest of my teacher's lecture for the class.

It was time for study hall and I sat at my usual table in the back. I liked it because it was right under the glowing lanterns and was a bit more secluded than the rest of the library. After a couple minutes I saw Theodore walk up to my table, he threw his bag on the table and propped his long legs up on the chair beside me. He reached into his bag, got out his book and started to flip through the pages. Then settled on a page and began to read.

"What are you doing?" I snapped at him.

Theodore seemed a little surprised at my tone and to be honest I was too. He lowered his book to the table and gave me a confused but tentative look, "I- ah assumed you'd want to just work on the text yourself."

"Why in the world would I want to work on a difficult text all by myself for an already hard class." I asked him a bit exasperatedly.

He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, "I guess I'm just used to people ... well being afraid of me."

"Oh so you think just because you're one of the Dark Lord's servants everyone around you has to bend to your will huh?" I asked him, shocked by the disconnect from the world he seemed to hold, I mean I couldn't believe he thought that highly of themselves.

"That's not what I said, or what I meant." He ground his teeth.

"Fine Theodore, I don't really care, I just want to get a good mark on this." I replied, fed up with how much time we were wasting.

"Well if you want a good mark I can help you with that, we'll split the work in half." Theodore suggested looking at the sheet of paper with the project instructions I had on the table.

"As long as I don't have to do everything myself, that works for me." I sighed, happy that he agreed on a compromise.

"Oh and call me Theo, would you?" Theo smirked at me from across the table, showing off his perfect teeth.

I rolled my eyes and got to my half of the project but couldn't help but smile to myself at his charisma.

Part 1.

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