Winter Break (Theodore Nott)

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You spent your winter break at Hogwarts this year, your parents had a lot of work to do so you decided you'd save the trip and stay at school, it was quite beautiful around the holidays anyway. The halls smelled of Christmas spices and every room was adorned with beautiful decorations that reminded you of home.

You had just finished the Yule feast when you went back to your room to curl up with a good book. As you took off your robes and put on your pajamas you heard a tap on your window, expecting an owl you opened the window but instead you saw your boyfriend.

You opened the window and Theo crawled through stumbling onto the ground. Theo was supposed to be at home for the holidays with his dad, but something was obviously amiss.

Theo looked at you awkwardly, tried smiling then promptly collapsed onto the ground.

By the time you propped him up against the bed and woke him up, you had noticed the blood showing through his coat. Suddenly as you got him to remove his hands from the bleeding you realized it must have been his dad that did this, you always knew they didn't get along but you never thought his dad would curse him.

Madam Pompfrey had taught the Herbology class a medicinal spell for something just like this, you tried your best to remember the spell as you flicked your wand and luckily his wounds started to mend and heal themselves. Theo's head stayed down watching the floor, you knew your boyfriend never liked to show his emotions let alone the "weak" ones.

"Hey" you whispered cupping his cheek in your hand and turning his head to your own, Theo's cheek muscle twitched and his lip started to quiver. He inhaled deeply trying to level his breathing and control his emotions.

"Love, talk to me." You urged him, all of a sudden he crumbled and a heavy tear slipped from his eyes. "I thought I did well enough, I thought- I was going to make him proud this time."

You took Theo in your arms and let him cry into your shoulder, thick sobs left his throat as he shook in your arms. Trying to make him feel better you rubbed his back letting out some tension from his shoulders, you whispered loving words into his ears and held him as tight as you could.

"I'm proud of you my love, I always will be." You whispered. As he heard your words his grip tightened and he nuzzled into your neck.

Once he regained his breath and the tears stopped flowing he moved out of your hug and wiped his eyes with his hands. "How pathetic must I look right now." he muttered coldly, his tears clung to his long black lashes.

"Not at all my darling," you whispered, holding his head to your own, "now let's get you into a hot shower."

You both moved slowly to the shower and you turned on the water, the bathroom slowly filling with hot sticky steam. Theo removed his shirt after a minute of standing and as he did you saw a terrible display of black and blue bruises across his back and stomach, Theo refused to look at you, though you saw his face was red with embarrassment.

Taking the hint you said nothing about the bruises and took your pajamas off and stepped into the shower, Theo followed you and rigidly took your arm to brace himself from falling over. You washed your body with your soap then handed it to your boyfriend standing still as he clung to you as he washed himself. He stayed quiet as you ran your fingers through his hair, washing it clean with products he kept in your room. He stayed quiet as you both rinsed off and as you turned off the faucet, grabbing two towels for you and him.

But after you walked him to the bed slowly and you both climbed into the bed, wrapping your body's close together under the piles of blankets. He whispered something so quietly you thought you imagined it. "Grazie, nessuno e stato cosi gentile prima."

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