Smut (Theodore Nott)

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This chapter was requested by _san1Chk

Theo collapsed next to me on his rumpled sheets, I can't believe I had just lost my virginity to Theoodre Nott. And good god it was amazing. My body still ached and tingled.

Theo fumbled with a box of muggle cigarettes and lit one between his lips, taking a long breath and turning his head blowing smoke in my face. He used his thumb to wipe the sweat off my brow and let his fingers linger on my jawline. "Tell me that wasn't the best sex you've had." he joked, taking another drag of his cig.

"Well I don't really have anything to compare it to." I sigh leaning into his touch.

"Wait wait what?, You telling me that was your first time?" Theo nearly coughed on the smoke in his lungs.

I nodded slightly amused. "Good god cara mia I went hard, my little dove did I hurt you?" Theo sat up and I sat up with him.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." I took the cigarette from his hand and breathed in the smoke.

"Well you know what they say," Theo moved me so I straddled his lap, "practice can only help."

Theo took my jaw in his hands and ran his tongue across my throat slowly, my body tensed at his touch and I moaned digging my nails into his back. Theo somehow already began to get hard again, and laid me down softly kissing his way down to my breasts.

He looked back up at me and smiled as he watched me bite my lip with anticipation. "I'll go easy on you." He winked, his head disappearing between my legs.

I spread my legs apart for him and he held the tops of my thighs as he began to kiss between them. My breath quickened as he began to tease me, kissing anywhere but my sweet spot, I let out a pained moan and he finally gave in.

His tongue made his way into me and I gasped as he circled it inside me, he began sucking on my clit and his hands slid down my legs. I could barely breathe as he teased me with his mouth, "Theo please, Theo I can't." I gasped.

He raised his head and held my waist as he angled himself inside of me, this time slower letting me adjust. He cupped my head in his hand and propped himself up on his elbows.

Theo began to move slowly pushing himself in and out of me, his hot breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine. "You are beautiful." He whispered as he gained a steady pace, still going significantly softer and slower than before.

My hands tugged at his hair and my legs began to shake, this time Theo focused his energy on pleasuring me as he left kisses across my collarbone. I gasped and felt myself orgasm, Theo smiled against my skin and sped up allowing himself to orgasm.

He pulled out gently and laid next to me, shifting my head so that it rested on his chest. I felt exhausted but it felt good in a way I couldn't seem to explain.

Theo's hands began to twirl my hair between his fingers, he left small kisses on my head. And we did nothing else for the rest of the evening. 

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