The Visitors (Mattheo Riddle)

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This chapter is in your perspective.

I was staying at Dracos for Christmas break. I was a distant cousin but we had been friends for years and were in the same group of friends. So when my parents had urgent business outside the country the Malfoys offered to take me in, which I didn't mind all that much and neither did Draco.

Though this Christmas season seemed different from other years. The Malfoys were quite anxious when I arrived, I was told they would have some very important visitors in the next couple of days and to stay off the main floor. I agreed obviously not wanting to cause any trouble since they kindly took me in, but these "visitors" were starting to plague my mind. Draco's parents were running around the house preparing rooms and I was strictly forbidden from the dining room.

The day the visitors arrived I did not see them come in, it must have happened in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. Draco was not as anxious as his parents but was on edge the next morning. I tried asking him about it but he seemed like he didn't want to talk.

"Draco, who are these people? Why are they so important?"

"I don't know, my parents don't tell me anything."

"But you know they're important to your parents?"


"Have you ever-"

"Listen, why don't we go practice for quidditch."

He walked off and seemed irritated with me the rest of the day.

On the second night of the very important visitor's stay I couldn't help but let my curiosity take over, it was eating me up inside. So against my better judgment I snuck down to the main floor and crept my way to the dining room door trying to listen in. I pressed the door in as quietly as possible and peered inside. There was a long table with many people seated alongside it, they seemed engulfed in talking amongst each other.

I couldn't see who was at the head of the table but I got a very cold sense of dread and didn't dare open the door any more to see who it was, I had seen enough. As I was about to make my way back up the stairs a pair of brown eyes met mine and I quickly pressed my back away from the cracked door and against the wall. Shit.

I walked quickly around the bend of the hall. Hopefully he hadn't seen me, it was late at night and my face could've been covered by shadow. This was a very bad-

A hand covered my eyes and suddenly I was pushed up against a wall, I gasped as my back hit the marble. The person removed their hand and I was met with the face of a boy around me and Draco's age.

"Who are you?" The boy asked suspiciously looking me up and down.

"I'm staying with the Malfoys, I'm one of Draco's cousins." I say trying to keep calm, I guess these people really are important. They probably don't want anyone to know they're here.

"Are you the one who's joining next year?" His eyes suddenly hold an emotion I can't quite read but I almost mistake it as sadness.

"Joining what?" I ask. His eyes are dark and the color of coffee, he has a scar running down past his right eye and his hair is curly but he seems to have taken time to style it.

"If you do not know then it is not you." He lets out a breath and looks in my eyes again. "Whoever you are, the Malfoys trust you. Do not speak of this, and for your own sake... please do not get mixed up in anything dark this year no matter how tempting it may be."

And with that I am left alone in a hallway in Malfoy Manor. Wondering who the hell I just talked too, who these special visitors were and if they had any correlation to seemingly rising dark magic.

Would you guys want a part two?   -Author

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