Drunken Words (Theodore Nott)

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This chapter will be in your perspective.

I sat in my dormitory, it was late at night when I heard a loud thud against my door. Cautiously I got up from my bed, discarding the book I was previously reading and made my way to the door. As I unlocked the door a familiar head of curls looked up at me from the floor, Theodore Nott sat on the floor looking up at me with a sweet smile and wide eyes. He was definitely intoxicated.

"God I fucking love the stars." He sighed, still straining his head to look up at me.

"Come in here before you wake up all of Hogwarts." I smirk down at him and pull him into my dorm.

I watch as he gets himself off the floor and stands quite clumsily. "I think you look like the stars." he cups my face in his warm hands and looks down at me with an even warmer smile. I smile back at how sweet he's being, normally he's stoic and rude and snarky. I savor the moment.

He then proceeds to throw up on my floor. I cast a quick cleaning charm while he apologizes profusely, "Come on Theo lets get you to the bathroom."

As we sit on the hard tile of the bathroom I notice how close we are, how I can hear his heartbeat and his breathing soft and steady. "Theo, we should probably get you to your dorm."

"I can't. I locked myself out." He sighs, pressing the back of his head on the bathtub.

"I'm sure I can unlock it with a quick spell." I offer.

"I'll just sleep here with you." He smiles as he closes his eyes.

"I snore." A smile plays across my face.

"I'm sure it's cute."

"I've been told otherwise."

Theo smiles a full grin, teeth on display, he never smiles like this when he's sober. He's always been insecure about his smile, especially his teeth, I on the other hand melt every time I see it . And I wish I could take a picture.

"Alright then let's get you to bed." I lift myself off the floor and make my way over to the bed, adding a couple pillows for him.

I hear the sink running and Theo appears in the doorway moments later. His body is doused in the light from my room, a soft glowing orange, it suits him and it takes me a minute to register that he's standing there shirtless.

He makes his way over to the bed and collapses on the side opposite to me. I lay down next to him and feel his arms wrap themselves around my waist as he snuggles his face into my side. I soak in his warmness and the way his skin feels against mine.

"Thank you for taking care of me." he whispers as I reach to turn off the light. "I missed the feeling of being loved."

"I'll always take care of you Nott." I say, as I flip the light switch and allow myself to sink into him. "Always."

–the next morning–

I woke up in an empty bed. I look around the room for Theo but see no trace of him, I half suspected the other night to be a dream. I made my way down to the dining hall for breakfast and slipped into my seat beside Lorenzo and across from Theo.

Theo was back to normal, his shoulders squared and his nose in a book, his eyes glaring at the pages. But to my surprise as I reach for the pitcher of water, he glances my direction, puts his book down, slides the pitcher of water my way and smiles softly, "Good morning."

In all my years at Hogwarts I have never seen Theo act so cheerfully in the morning.

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