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Cooker was sweating, she could feel it drip down her neck. It was not hot, quite the opposite. But she was focusing, her core was engaged and she had a mission before her. She was taking a comb to Florence's hair, trying to get the perfect middle part. It would have been easier without the captain of the hair taskforce watching over her. Maise hovered near them, way too close for comfort. Cooker kept trying to inch her away but she kept coming back to scrutinize the work being done.

"What's taking you so long, Cookies?" Maise asked and tried to help by handing Cooker a piece of hair that didn't belong on the side she was trying to move it to, "I have to go to school soon. If Kaia gets here and Flo is not ready, we'll be late."

"Aye, I'm aware, thank you timekeeper," Cooker muttered as she tried to straighten Florence's head to see if she got the line right. She didn't. Back to the start.

"I'm not timekeeper this cycle. I'm on fruit duty," Maise shot back and finally sat on the couch, leaving Cooker to her hairdressing.

"Fruit duty? Is that something you made up?" Cooker chuckled.

"No. Okel's mum is going to bring us some fruit every sun for the rest of the cycle. So I get to be on fruit duty," Maise explained, "I get to pass them out when she comes by."

"Oh, so it's way better than being a timekeeper," Cooker stated as she finally got the line right, "it's exclusive."

"Aye, it's way better than being a timekeeper," Maise sat up once again and scooted to the edge of her seat to try and get her hand in the hair but Cooker swatted it away, "what's exclusive mean?"

"In this case, it means that it is only for a few people for a short amount of time. Doesn't always happen and it doesn't happen for everyone when it does," Cooker began the process of braiding, as best she could.

"Oh, okay. What's taking so long?" she asked again.

"Your sister's got a big head," Cooker laughed.

Florence did too. She giggled and shook her head, "No! You have a big head!"

"I do. That's why I have it on good authority that you've got a fucking massive one," Cooker leaned forward and kissed her head with a smile before pulling the braid back under control.

"What's good authority?" Maise asked, barely stumbling over the word.

"In this case, it means that because I have a big head, I have been given the power to deem others big-headed as well," Cooker answered.

"Who gave you the power?" Maise followed up.

"It's just an expression. Remember we talked about those? No one actually gave me the power. I don't have any power. What I meant is that because I have a big head, I know how to spot one and I can declare with confidence that your sister has got one too."

That got them both to laugh and Cooker couldn't help but chuckle along.

"Okay, girls, silence. I need to focus," Cooker commanded as she began to focus on the braids. She could get most of it with her one hand but at times, she needed her teeth to pull the plait tight. She had improved since her first attempt at the hairstyle though. There was no guarantee it would come out right but it was guaranteed to look better than that time.

Luckily, it only took two more interruptions from Maise until she was done.

"Did I do it right this time?" Cooker patted Florence so she could stand.

"Show me," Florence demanded and Cooker scooped her up then held her in front of the nearest mirror.

"Maise. Are they right?" Florence asked.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now