Tender My Resignation

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On the last morning they were at the Grotto, they shared some ravci as they watched the sunrise, enjoying their last relaxing morning for a while. The golden and pink hues that filled the sky would be in her mind forever, she would make sure to not forget it. Theo was held in on either side by her friends until it was time to get moving. They packed all of the spices, blankets, and special trinkets they had accumulated over their lifetime there. Before leaving, Theo dipped her blade in poison they had stashed at the Grotto; just in case Uncilo tried anything. Each of them took time to say goodbye in their own ways and once everything was ready, they gathered silently by their steeds. To avoid any unneeded emotions, Theo stepped up.

"Race you there," Theo said as she hopped on her horse and snapped the reigns, trotting forward. She thought she heard a cautionary shout from Xyra, telling her to take it easy and not rush but her words were ignored as Theo took to the wind.

Theo had acted brave, mostly because she could see how nervous Cooker was, but Theo was scared. Uncilo had always been good to them in his own way but she knew how he could get if someone wronged him. She had engaged in a mission or two when she was a child that was not for profit, but purely for revenge. Obviously, she had hoped that his relationship with them would not invite a vengeful attitude or actions, but she could never be certain. Leaving Corinspe and forming their own haven had been something that was attempted by others in the past. It wasn't looked upon favorably and if the head of the council condoned it, a chase could ensue. A harsh interpretation of the age-old pirate law that no pirate should betray Corinspe could mark them as traitors for attempting to leave and a bounty would be on their heads. That interpretation, however, hadn't been used since prior to Captain Vandoule.

Uncilo falling back on an old, outdated version of the pirate code just to stop them from leaving was unlikely. At least, she hoped so. He was a menace; he was smart and knew how to play people but he wasn't evil. He wouldn't stop them, at least not physically. She was sure there were dozens of emotional tricks he would pull. Which is why Cooker was probably worried. Theo was worried for her too. Xyra was used to him being hard on her. Xyra was equipped to navigate the emotional puzzle that Uncilo threw at her. Theo was always the most stubborn and her butting heads with Uncilo was commonplace growing up. So being subject to his guilt trips or mind tricks was just as common.

Cooker, however, kept all rebellion for areas that didn't break Uncilo's rules. She was a kiss ass, and it wasn't really her fault. Theo never minded, it was just Cooker's need to please authority figures that was trained into her. Not having left home until she was nine, she was a bit more amenable to instruction than the others. When it really mattered though, Cooker came to their aid when they were in trouble. But Cooker was always the favorite, or at least did everything right and was the favorite on the surface. In reality, Uncilo favored Theo and used Cooker's loyalty and devotion as a benchmark to compare Theo to. It was a way to annoy Theo and make Cooker feel good.

Cooker wasn't naive though, she knew that. They all knew it and that was why she was so worried. She was the easy target, the brunt of whatever he would pull would be directed at Cooker. Uncilo had hurt her too much in the past cycles, however, for any of it to work. Cooker didn't even need to say the words, Theo knew it for a fact. Uncilo would have no purchase. No weak links amongst them. When they were set on a goal and approached it together, nothing could come between that. It was something that he had taught them.

Theo wasn't showing it, trying to keep a brave face on for Cooker but she was nervous. Even though Theo was used to facing off against him in verbal sparring, she still felt his words penetrate her armor and keep her up at night. She was already facing so much guilt about Riva and Ava that anything from Uncilo would crumble her shaky foundation. The ride from the Grotto with its familiarity and calming scenery along the beach helped steel her mind.

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