A Path Forward Emerges

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"Can we speak alone? I can escort you back to the party while we do," Brandon held out his arm.

"Sure," she took him up on his offer, "How can you get me to Theo?"

"Did you not press me to get you to her? Find a way to Niveal, you demanded. I told you I was working on something."

"And you found a way?"

"I had to marry my brother off to get it to happen but I found a way."

"Yes, well, you also married me off to make it happen," Ava pointed out.

"Sacrifices must be made."

"Easy to say when you are the one pulling the strings and not doing much of your own sacrificing."

He chuckled, stopping before he could let it out too much, "In time, I believe you will come to thank me for the arrangement I managed to get you."

"Why is that?"

"My brother has no interest in bedding you or consecrating the union nor does he have any intention of helping you produce an heir," Brandon divulged.

"And why would I thank you for that? My worth in this world is tied to producing an heir and making sure my family name lives on," Ava tried not to give away her relief at hearing Cameron's intentions with her.

"I thought we had built enough trust to not be lied to," Brandon spared a glance down at her and then raised an eyebrow, "I was under the impression that you were– well, let us keep it simple by saying you reject Baethan rules often."

Ava didn't give anything away, "Are you implying that your brother renounces Baethan code?"

"I am implying that you both similarly have no desire to spend time with each other in the bedroom, albeit for different reasons," Brandon countered.

"I am afraid I don't know what you mean by that last part."

"He has no interest in bedding you, or anyone for that matter. He has been this way since he was young and everyone told him he'd grow out of the way he thinks about love and sex but he never did. I would like to make it known that I never thought he needed to change– I am simply providing you with the context of what it was like for him growing up. He will not bed you or provide you with heirs because he has no interest in laying with anyone," they walked together and Brandon had a slight smile on his face, reverence for his younger brother, "something you might not know about me, Avery, is that I am very protective of my siblings. I have done my best to advocate for him to avoid a union but my father has had enough. I went into this thinking that you were not interested in anything the institution of being wed had to offer, so I did not think I was sacrificing anything on your behalf. I apologize."

Ava took a deep breath and shook her head, taking the opportunity to build trust, "I apologize for being withholding. As a nox inside of the Vaith estate, you can imagine how careful I have to be."

"Apology accepted."

"May I ask how you know?" Ava cleared her throat and glanced around to make sure the hallways were secure.

"I have been in Niveal when your old crew has also been there," he said, "not all of them are like you but even the ones who aren't do not have an interest in a union and having children. I thought you would be no different."

"Does not mean I was a nox."

"No. That was an assumption. Either way, though, I knew it would not be a torment for you to marry my brother. In advocating for a union between the two of you, I got you what you wanted at no additional cost to you while sneaking in a benefit for me and my brother. I apologize for that as well."

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now