Children Scorned

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"What will I have to do to get you to kiss me?"

The words registered first and the request hit second. When it did, every word in all the languages she had at least an amateur grasp on exited her vocabulary. Of course she wanted nothing else but she couldn't slap herself into action. She watched as Ava's mouth twitched, perhaps trying to keep a satisfied smile at bay. She had always known how to fluster Theo.

Ava raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, almost as if it was a challenge. But the invitation couldn't be accepted. The door opened and Theo whipped her head toward the intruder. She had wanted to see no one until morning– in hopes of getting as much time with Ava and as much information as she could muster– before revealing to her crew that Ava was in Niveal.

That wouldn't be possible. Cooker was the last person she had wanted to catch Ava and yet that is who had come bursting into the room. Bursting wasn't quite accurate but it sure felt the same. She couldn't believe it had been her of all people, Cooker never needed to check in with the other officers before forming her opinion on something. In fact, she would now run to everyone and voice her displeasure.

And by the look on her face, that is the direction it was going. Her head was darting between the two of them, a scowl on her face.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Theo stood up and took a few steps forward, holding her hand out and slipping the other in her pocket, "Cooker, whatever you are going to say can probably wait until after things are explained."

"I'm sure you would prefer me to be silent, you lying bastard," Cooker stepped into the room and slammed the door behind her, "Maybe you need to see a healer for your compulsion in hiding things from people you promised honesty."

Theo couldn't help but laugh and that was the wrong thing to do because it just made Cooker angrier.

"This is funny to you?" Cooker scoffed.

"Aye it is funny to me, I haven't done a single thing wrong," Theo challenged, "I had no idea she was coming."

Cooker narrowed her eyes and looked between the both of them. Theo narrowed her eyes right back. She could feel Ava standing from her seat on the couch behind them.

"Care to explain?" Cooker asked, looking past Theo and addressing Ava, "you just decided to show right back up on our doorstep? No knowledge or care if we would accept you back?"

Theo frowned, stepping in front of Cooker's line of sight to block Ava from the advisor, "If you understood she was doing us a fucking favor, you would be kinder with your tone, Cooker."

"Red's staunchest defender," Cooker crossed her arms as she and Theo stared down, "should have known that part of you never went away."

Theo needed to be a calm and level-headed leader. A captain. Cooker pointing blame and her small outburst of opinions were normal, it was on Theo to not react. If she reacted, Cooker wouldn't back down. Then, they would be in the middle of a fight that wasn't about anything they were upset at in the first place.

"Red came back to inform of us some things," Theo explained and looked back at Ava who was watching the interaction in hopes to be able to speak soon. Theo could tell when there was something to say on the tip of her tongue, "If you agree to behave rationally, maybe we can have a conversation."

Cooker grunted and shoved Theo on the shoulder, her way of releasing whatever misguided frustration had built up and Theo could only react with a half laugh as she rolled her eyes. And if she was honest with herself, letting go of the smaller things was easier when her soul felt so full.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now