Failed Attempt

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After the information about Oceane's father came to light and Oceane had agreed that if Ava had a plan, they would attempt it, Ava got right to work. When Jona had been at court, she would often be escorted by him over to the gardens for a walk. Honestly, it was a time of the sun she looked forward to. There were no eyes on her, and Jona didn't judge her for what she spoke about or even if she preferred not to speak at the time. When he had left, her walks in the garden had ceased but she had made a very clear announcement to everyone– Oceane, Mallory, Arnelo, and Viv– that she was intending on resuming her walks and that whoever was with her that sun should be expected to accompany her.

Obviously, she wasn't being entirely above water. While she would be looking forward to her time in the garden, it was a plan to throw Viv off their scent. If Ava had a routine that was created, it would less suspicious when she would eventually ask Viv to walk with her in an isolated and lonely place that would have her lines of communication, whatever they were, be temporarily disrupted. After four suns of garden walking, she took Arnelo with her.

She was candid with him, proposing her plan to the exact detail and taking a leap with trusting him. She wasn't going to be so honest, but Oceane convinced her that being upfront with him was best. If Ava believed he was a good person, which she did, Ava had to give him the opportunity to face a test. If Arnelo spilled, then they would have to think of something else. It was Oceane's father and if she was willing to take that risk Ava had to comply with Oceane's request.

"I would distract Viv in the gardens, perhaps two hours. It takes only an hour to get to the skrims and back that would give you plenty of time to escort Oceane to get the letter to where it needs to be," Ava had finished recapping her plan and Arnelo was silent, "You can read the letter if you want to confirm we are not asking to be rescued or anything. I have given up on that and Oceane won't leave if I don't. But her father needs help and Oceane's old crew needs to know she's alive so at the very least they aren't in mourning. You've met Oceane, you know how loved she is. Her friends deserve to know."

"Where will the letter be delivered to and who will receive it?"

"This man's name is Venais," Ava shook her head, "I don't know much about him. I haven't heard his name spoken before but Oceane had the recommendation passed down to her by her roommate. He is supposed to be trustworthy and Oceane is certain her source is not steering her wrong."

"Is it the east or west skrims?" Arnelo followed up and he had stopped walking so Ava halted too.

"West," Ava faced him, "they are supposed to meet at the back of a food market. I think Opper Market."

"I know where that is," Arnelo confirmed and looked around, "I would want to read the letter before I agree."

"Of course," Ava nodded, "of course. Yes. Anything."

"Vivexa has people watching our every move. Even if no one questioned me for leaving the estate with Oceane and going to the skrims, we would be tailed."

"Oceane has enlisted the help of her roommate to steal some of the figs from the kitchen in four suns from now and make it look like rats got into the supply. It will need replacing and you have already been taking Oceane to the skrims and to the rest of Aubermasse to shop for the kitchen so it won't be out of the ordinary when they ask her to go."

"They can ask anyone."

"She will already be helping in the kitchen, she's been going down there when she feels like expending some energy. In four suns, she will be there and offer to go. You will escort her, and I will distract Viv. You will be back by the time Viv and I return from the garden. When she gets a report that you both left, it will only be followed with the mundane news that it was to go get figs."

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now