Reward then Realization

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"We should have brought parasols," Mallory commented as she walked next to Ava. They were walking the path back to the estate, "my skin is practically on fire."

"Bringing parasols worth more than someone's average wage for a length of work isn't exactly the best way to show up to the skrims," Oceane chimed in from the other side of Ava, "feels a bit insensitive."

"Hm. I suppose," Mallory acknowledged and then continued, "but then once we were done for the aftermorning, we could give them to someone."

"What are they going to do with an expensive parasol?" Ava asked.

"Sell it?" Mallory said.

"To who?" Ava had to laugh.

Oceane joined in, "You are quite out of touch, Mal."

"We didn't do anything," Mallory ignored the laughing at her expense, "I thought we were supposed to help people."

"Everything cannot be done in one sun. We've already passed out some necessities and some gold. This aftermorning was about asking for what else is needed. Individualize and be intentional with what we help with," Ava explained.

"And then we won't be able to be here to give them their stuff," Mallory complained, "so we don't even get to help at all."

"We are getting someone to pick up and distribute what we get. We are helping. This is supposed to be more than feeling good about yourself," Oceane hummed.

"Then why did we even come out here?"

Ava didn't want to answer because the real reason was that she hadn't quite given into what Viv had suggested, she was still looking for a way out. Going through the skrims would be their best bet to avoid detection if they were to run and she was looking for a way out. Mallory and Oceane were both in on the plans but she didn't want to get anyone's hopes up or detract from helping.

"We came so we could show the women that real, normal people live with needs that they don't even think about," Ava finally answered.

"You are exploiting people to help pass your progressive policies," Mallory accused.

"Aye, that's pretty fucked, Red," Oceane said.

"You are the one that helped talk me through this!" Ava turned to harshly whisper in Oceane's direction.

"Still think it's fucked."

"I agree."

"Criticisms noted," Ava rolled her eyes.

"Doesn't seem like you were very receptive," Mallory teased.

"I was rolling my eyes at you two, not what you said," Ava argued as she tried to trudge further up on the path to get away from them but they kept catching up.

Ahead, right outside the main estate, was Viv. She looked to be waiting for them and when they were all within earshot, she called out.

"I almost expected to see at least one of you gone."

"Too many guards," Ava called back, "thanks to you."

"Viv," Oceane ran ahead and stopped in front of Viv, "you need to let me keep this dress."

"It doesn't fit you," Viv pointed out, "you are too short for it."

"My roommate is a seamstress. She can help me take it in," Oceane pouted as the others joined them.

"Sure," Viv nodded, "take Mallory to her quarters. I need Avery."

"You are so much nicer to her than you are to me," Ava said as she watched the other two make their way inside.

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