Gwenevieve's Night Out

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Their evening had almost ended before it began. Lurking right outside the room, near the entrance to the tunnels was Viv. She had every intention of stopping them and keeping them indoors but her resolve melted after only a few protests from Ava. The rest of the way to their first destination was spent looking behind her shoulder, making sure Viv wasn't following them.

It had been easy to get past her and Ava wondered if it was because of Theo. Was she always that effective against Viv? They had talked earlier in the night, had something been said to make Viv take it easy on them?

Thoughts of Viv fled her mind the moment the air of Niveal hit her and her feet touched the surface after emerging from the tunnels in the alleyways of what she could only assume was Stumbler's row by the smell. The stench only made her more excited.

The last time she was on the island, she still hadn't contended with exactly who she was. She was still living in a false hope that things could get better and she could sweep her secret under the rug. It was a happier time and she was flooded with the emotions that came with remembering it. But in all of the things she had lost since the last time she had been there, she had gained one thing. Theo was now hers. No matter what happened next, at that moment they were together on the streets of Niveal.

And that elation did not go away. As Theo pushed people out of their path and trudged them through the busy streets, all Ava could do was watch her concentrate on what was in front of them. She was more of a burden than a help, tripping up by not watching where she was going, but Theo caught her every time and stabilized her when needed.

It wasn't until she was about to ask what was taking so long that they arrived at their destination. The sign on the building said Jaunts and Theo looked over, offering her arm. Ava took her arm and was guided inside. She hadn't known what Jaunts was but walking in, it was immediately apparent. A thick haze of smoke that would take a few minutes to get used to enshrouded them. Theo took two silvers out of her pocket and handed it to an attendant.

They were motioned in and Theo escorted them further. The large room was split into different areas, no one section the same.

"Let's walk around and see what you like. We can sit wherever you choose," Theo guided them through each curtained room.

Ava took her job seriously, scoping out the best spot. She had to consider many things, including the best view to the entrances and the lowest lighting to keep hidden. She stopped Theo when they got to the back of the room, sectioned off with more opaque screens that differed from the sheer curtains that sectioned off rooms at the entrance of the building. The area was littered with couples on couches, pillows on the floor, people spread out, and smoke circling everyone.

Ava nodded in approval and Theo spotted a couch for them to sit in the section Ava had chosen. As they sat, Theo called over an attendant. She pulled a few coins out of her pocket and handed it to him, Theo was talking but Ava tuned her out–glancing at the smokers all around. From her first time in a drug lounge to then felt like a whole lifetime had elapsed.

In such a short time, she had experienced so much. The thought of everything that had weighed on her chest made her sink into the already sinking couch.

"Red?" Theo looked over when the attendant stepped away.

"Give me a massage?" Ava pouted, blinking her eyes in hopes of being successful at making Theo do something so laborious on her night off.

Theo didn't even paused before patting the space between her legs. Ava slipped off the couch and scooted in between Theo's legs. If she had any doubts that gods were real, they left her in that moment. Theo's hands rubbed into her shoulders bringing relief that only hands blessed by a god could achieve. She was practically salivating, mouth slightly open and eyes closed as Theo's thumbs passed over a knot in her back. She let out a pleasured grunt and Theo laughed, taking her hands away.

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