Forced Hand

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The Cooker's arrival marked a shift in her time at home. If things had been busy before, it had only worsened and she wasn't sure how she had managed to fit more into one sun than before. Her father had thrown his full weight behind women's rights– to the extent he agreed to champion it– and it took up most of their time.

Women were going to be allowed to hold land and inherit their father's titles. They were still trying to get Council support for a temporary policy but they had secured all of Elox. Like before, once a plan of action had been agreed upon, she had lessened her meetings with her father to be able to campaign amongst the court and she was thankful for a bit of a break from him.

The lesson she had been taught a cycle before with Ivon had served to instill in her a fear of her father that wasn't there when she arrived at the estate. A more cautious approach was taken when they were together and her boldness and brashness with him dwindled slightly. Yet, mention of her antics with Viv was not heard again. Killian never spoke about Ivon, never made an allusion to her preferences, and also had withdrawn from his brazen attitude.

When she wasn't spending time with her father, she was out with the ladies on the town or entertaining at court. It was procedural and mimicked almost exactly what she did convincing others to take action on poverty. She showed and explained that other women in lower classes worked hard and never had anything to show for it. No right to property, business, or titles. After all that hard work, they couldn't be free.

Once they were worked up about that, she worked them up about their own status. Always playing second to the men, getting overlooked, not being seen for all the hard work they do for their houses, and brothers, and fathers, and husbands, and sons. She framed it as an opportunity for their daughters and granddaughters, an opportunity that meant that they would not be pressed for a male heir to the point of death. A standard would be set that women could and would lead. If they were upset before she mentioned that, they were ready to burn their husbands for the reality of having rights. It was not lost on her that it wasn't until she mentioned the plight of the upper-class women that they suggested and supported action.

Ava was also slowly gaining her father's trust. He had begun to arrange bigger events, and larger social outings, and gave her more of a central and visible role in everything. She was paraded as the woman who agreed with a greater political role, she was supposed to show everyone what it could look like. A few suns before, she had attended a field tournament in a neighboring city, hosted by a Great House. She had been sent as the Vaith representative and she presented a speech both at the start of the games and at the large celebration feast after.

In all of that, she had forgotten to breathe. She never had a moment to be with herself. Even if she had gotten the opportunity, she would have missed it. She hadn't had the energy to look for those moments. The travel, the pressure, and the expectations were getting to her. It was easier to make her mind go blank than have to address the growing hole in her chest.

"Are you ready princess? Your family is already on their way to the Great Hall for the announcement," Viv said from her doorway.

Ava looked back from where she had been staring out of her window, the bars gone. With Ivon left his cruel punishments. She had taken it upon herself to request the metal removed and her father had obliged. She had guards posted outside of her windows, watching to see if she climbed out of the estate so there was no reason to also keep her shut in from a nice view.

"Not really. I don't need to be there," Ava replied and looked back out of the window. The sun was supposed to be high up in the sky but it was blocked by dark grey clouds. The weather had taken a turn and it had been gloomy for a half cycle.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant