The Grotto

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"I'm literally so fucking hungry," Theo complained, "It took you hours out there!"

She peeked over from her hammock, opting to have slept there rather than in the bed with Cooker. Cooker liked to spread out and without the buffer of Xyra in the small bed, she would have been tossed off the mattress. Cooker came back from the jungle panting and dragging back a baby boar.

"Look what I got," she wheezed out.

"You need to get into better shape," Theo teased and climbed out of the hammock before jogging over to her and helping.

"You are welcome for the catch," Cooker said as she sat in the sand and slung her bag over her shoulder, "fruit."

"Should tide us over until lunch," Theo shrugged and sat down, taking a knife out of the bag along with fruit, "I'll get started on the boar once I eat."

Theo peeled the fruit, giving one to Cooker first to be nice. That is when Xyra decided to show up. Her horse had nothing on it so after the hoof beats came to a stop, it wasn't long before Xyra joined them on the sand by the fire.

"What happened to coming right behind us?" Theo asked.

"I never said those exact words," Xyra interjected.

"Where have you been all night?" Cooker asked with narrowed eyes.

"I had to deal with some crew things," Xyra shrugged, "nothing to worry about. I handled it all."

"You really did sleep with Navi, didn't you?" Cooker gasped.

"I did not," Xyra answered back.

"Oi, it's none of our business," Theo cut in, "leave her alone, Cook."

"It is my business when all Navi talks about is getting over Xyra and all Morgana does is egg her on and talk about Fortune," Cooker looked angry, "all of that listening and empathizing just for her to crawl back to Xyra as soon as she bats an eyelid her way."

"She talks about me to you?" Xyra frowned, "and you've never told me?"

"She's my friend. We talk quite often. I don't know why you are surprised," Cooker laughed.

"Because you're my best friend and you are supposed to tell me when people talk about me!" Xyra snapped, "so all this time, you've known why she was mad at me and didn't clue me in?"

"Figured you also knew," Cooker raised her hands, "plus, you hate help. Anytime I've ever tried to give you advice, you ignore me."

"She's right, Xy," Theo tried to help but shut up when she was fixed with daggers.

"I did not have sex with her," Xyra said.

"Fine," Cooker rolled her eyes, "liar."

"Alright," Theo stepped in once again, "let's leave talk of Navi in the city. This is our time to relax."

It was hard to coax the tension down but when Xyra settled into the beautiful scenery around them, her attitude toned down on its own. From Theo's point of view, when Xyra leaned over to soak up the sun in a certain position, she could see there were purple marks under her coat. There was no question about it, Xyra had slept with Navi. Theo said nothing though; as she had said it was none of her business.

Cooker got up first after her fruit had digested, "I'm going to go for a swim in the Grotto."

Theo waved her hand then put her arm back over her face as she flopped back onto the sand.

"I need a nap," Xyra said a few minutes after Cooker had left, "I will be taking up the hammock. Do not bother me."

Theo didn't answer. She allowed herself to bask in the sun for a little while longer before sitting up with a loud groan. After a while, even the fire and the sun were not warm enough to keep the cold from making her ache. She needed to grab a sweater and begin with lunch but standing up felt like a monumental task too big to accomplish. She felt physically burdened by her injuries and it had been a while since she had felt so weak. Theo took her time standing up. Once she did, she began to busy herself by preparing the boar for lunch. She didn't stress herself though. She prepped and cooked at a leisurely pace. The sound of waves and Xyra's snores were in the background as she cooked.

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