Put, Eza, Pharos (Eight, Nine, Ten)

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"How do I look?" Cooker asked, turning around.

Theo had her arms crossed as she leaned against the door to the room, keeping it closed from people walking in. She shrugged a bit.

"Why are you doing this again?"

"I'm doing this to prove a point," Cooker huffed and looked down at the dress. She couldn't get her fucking boobs to cooperate with her and everything felt too tight. Like, she wasn't getting any oxygen to her head.

"What point is that exactly?" Theo laughed.

"They don't take anyone but men here seriously. But they take me seriously or others seriously when they think we are similar to them," Cooker explained, "so, I'm going to make them uncomfortable by having to hear a woman in a dress speak to them."

"Still not getting the point," Theo teased and took a sip of her drink, and Cooker's throat suddenly felt dry.

"I have always argued that this space is not open to those that are not men. They argue that they respect anyone who comes in the door and used the various women and omkei in the room to prove they did. So, I have shifted my theory. Anyone that doesn't conform to their standards of masculinity is who gets denied. So, tonight I will be taking a stand. A feminine one."

"I get the point of your speech, Cook, I don't see how a dress helps further your point," Theo argued.

"Just sit back and learn to appreciate my genius every once in a while," Cooker sighed as she frantically began to walk around the room to put on her last accessories.

"Wouldn't the point be further enforced if you gave your speaking slot up to someone who was actually feminine? Or at least, not masculine," Theo reasoned.

Cooker began to slip on her gloves and rings, "I have already thought of that. I am the warm-up. Agnes is coming in a few suns to give her speech. I am introducing the issue, telling them they need to pay attention. And next, Agnes will blow them out of the water."

"And you couldn't prime the issue without a dress on?"

"My goal is to make them uncomfortable at the idea of someone feminine speaking to them," Cooker tried to get Theo to see her point of view.

"Well, if I'm honest, I am quite uncomfortable too," Theo laughed, "but not at the thought of a feminine woman speaking her mind. It's because it's you in a dress. So, the point that I am trying to make here is that your point will not get across. All they are going to see is Cooker in a dress, they will miss your purpose entirely."

"I initially invited you here for your support," Cooker finished placing everything just right and she had broken into a sweat. She could not wait to get everything off.

This would have been her future had she not run away. An eternity of stuffy dresses and sweating her tits off.

Theo pushed herself off the door and grabbed the doorknob, "I am a strong pillar of support starting now. Ready?"

Cooker nodded and headed out of the room. She felt Theo pat her on the back as Cooker exited and was quick to follow behind. Theo split with her and headed to the crowd as Cooker broke off into the wings of the stage, waiting for her turn to speak. In front of her was the manager of the speakers, he organized all things stage and events. When he turned around, he offered her a cigarette.

"What is it?" Cooker asked.


She shook her head with a polite smile and waved off the pass. The smoke was all around her and she had a slight craving but nothing compared to how she was feeling cycles ago. Things really did get better over time. Of course, shit wasn't linear and on some suns, it was all she could think about but since her time in the forest, she had stuck to the approved drugs. Foulness was not one. It was far too strong. She distracted herself from temptation by reviewing the points she wanted to go over and finally, her name was called.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now