Political Punches

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All Avery had to do was put on some common clothes and it had taken her upwards of a half hour to do so. Viv's patience was running thin but she suspected that was why Ava had her waiting for so long. They were going to be late to Fingen's, and while it was not something she was looking forward to, they had to be there. And if they had to be there, they might as well have gotten there when the action for the night was starting.

It had been several hours since Theo had left and in that time, Viv had done nothing but trail behind Ava around town and to dinner before her appearance at Fingen's was necessary. She was never invited into the fold, instead, she hung back with the guards following them. It left her plenty of time to think about Theo, which was never a pleasure. So, for the entire aftermorning she was both bored and thinking through all her regrets.

If Viv was honest, she was in a foul mood. Theo had hit the nail on the head, swiftly and with skill. She could still see right through Viv and that pissed her off. In all honesty, she did feel trapped. She had never been in a position of such power and at the same time had never been more restricted. She did have to assume eyes were on her at all times. Not only was she now working for the Vaiths, she was working with the revolution.

One wrong step and her life was over. All of her work and efforts could be for naught if she made one slip up. She wanted nothing more than to go enjoy Niveal her way. Check on people, buy things that were not allowed anywhere else in Baethos, visit her house, maybe find a job on the side.

But she was stuck. Her hand itched to reach into her pocket to sketch, to keep her mind off things, but Avery could walk out at any moment. She wanted to avoid questions about it at all costs, not that Avery was inclined to talk to her. It had been a long sun of silence, anytime she managed to get close to the noble, all teasing and all serious comments were left unanswered.

Which wasn't all too fair, it had worked out for Avery in the end. She got Theo, she got her spot in the revolution, she got her father's ear, and she got whatever else she wanted. So, if it all worked out why was blame over nothing falling on Viv?

Granted, she kept probably the single most important thing from Avery. Even a singular letter from Theo would have changed everything. In the same vein, it would have changed everything. Avery wouldn't be sitting where she was with the knowledge or influence she had. Viv had done that for her.

Of course, she didn't actually believe the justifications she was giving. They were true statements but not reasoning that could have righted her wrongs. But in case she was pressed on it, she would have her case. Some may have thought that she never understood the things she did and the way she manipulated people or situations, but she was fully aware. It was probably more accurate to say that she was not capable of guilt.

Except she was. Very rarely would she feel that way but she had felt it. She knew what it was like and had experienced it enough to know she hated the feeling. But for this, for hiding letters, she had a hard time finding a fuck to spare to reflect on her wrongdoings.

Avery finally pulled the door open and Viv turned to her with a slight laugh, "You look like a peasant boy."

Avery faked a laugh and then quickly shut up, flipping her off. Viv laughed once again, unable to help the slight joy that she got from messing with the noble.

"Let's go, don't want to miss the best Fingen's has to offer," Viv prompted them forward.

"You've been?" Avery finally broke the silence that had lasted all sun.

"The princess speaks," Viv teased and ignored the question, she guided them through the inn, out the door, and into the streets of Niveal, "now that we are past our secrets, I think we should approach this partnership from a clean slate. No fibs, nothing hidden, all above board."

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora