A Good Friend

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Ava rushed to the bars in front of her and gripped them, "O?!"

The girl on the other side of the bars set her forehead between them and gave a weary smile, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?!" Ava reached through the bars and put her hands on Oceane's arms before she turned her head to yell out, "guards! Guards I need help!"

"I was captured," Oceane said, her voice hoarse from what Ava could only assume was a lack of water.

She looked weak, grimy, and exhausted. Her hair was unkempt and the care and energy Oceane usually put into it was absent; given the fact she was in a cold, inhospitable prison. Her shirt and pants were in tatters and the few parts where she had fabric covering her were dirty.

"I'm here now. I'm going to get you out of here."

"How?" Oceane asked and she looked like she was trying to keep herself awake. Like whatever energy she had been conserving had been depleted by coming to the bars and calling out for her.

"By lying my fucking ass off," Ava turned her head away and yelled, "Guards! Please!"

"No," Oceane managed a chuckle. Even in times of distress, she had a smile on her face, "how are you here?"

"Oh," Ava's shoulders relaxed for a second as she relived the moment she was kicked off, yet again, "Theo sent me back."

Oceane's brow furrowed but Ava squeezed her arm.

"Don't worry about that right now," Ava assured her as the clanking of armor came closer. She turned around and pointed at the cell, "this person is not a prisoner! She works in the kitchen and has been missing for cycles!"

The guard looked at a roster in his hands and flipped through it.

"It says here that she is a pirate."

Ava scoffed, "A pirate?! That is ridiculous. I cannot believe you have had her in here all this time!"

"Ma'am, she was a part of the lady pirates. She was on Captain Theo's crew," the other guard confirmed what was in the roster.

"You know who was on that ship for a length as a prisoner?" Ava asked, "I was. I know that crew like the back of my hand. Are you trying to tell me she was on it?"

"Yes, ma'am?" one of the guards looked between his cowoker and Ava.

"If you make me get my father to come down here, he will not be happy and neither will I," Ava crossed her arms, "not only will he be pissed that you didn't believe his daughter, he will also be upset that we have a loyal staff member to the family locked up. The blame will fall on you regardless of who is responsible."

"I- uh," one of them stumbled on his words, and the other recovered for them.

"What do you wish for us to do, Lady Vaith?"

"Get her out! Right now," Ava stepped away from the cell.

They rushed into action and Ava took a step back as they unlocked the door. She watched a tired smile come across Oceane's face.

"Rich girl privilege in action," she teased and Ava couldn't help but laugh despite all the pressure and weight that was on her chest.

Down the hall, Ava heard footsteps, and looking over, she could see Viv running over. She was slightly out of breath as she arrived at Oceane's cell. As she registered what was happening, her face twisted into one of shock.

"Oceane?" Viv furrowed her brow.

"Viv?" Oceane titled her head.

"Can you believe we found the missing kitchen worker?" Ava turned to Viv with a raised eyebrow, she could have been more subtle about it but neither of the guards were paying much attention to them.

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