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"Thank you for agreeing to walk me around," Ava said.

"Of course, Lady Avery," Arnelo nodded as they trekked the white stone streets of The Center, "I am glad that your father allowed you to leave the complex."

"You don't have to call me Lady Avery, you know."

"That is your title and your name. It is the most appropriate."

"You can just call me Avery. I would prefer Ava," she shrugged.


"The name I used when I ran away. I just feel it fits me more,"

"I am happy to, ma'am," Arnelo frowned a bit, "but I don't want to get in trouble."

"When someone important is around, you may use my title. I don't want to affect your job," Ava looked over with a smile, "but I feel Lady Avery is too formal. I don't want my friends calling me that."

"You would consider me a friend?"

"I don't really have the opportunity to meet people elsewhere. So, we may as well become friends," Ava said, she needed Arnelo on her side. So she wasn't entirely being above board with her friendliness, but a part of her trusted him. She didn't enjoy using people and becoming his friend didn't seem like a bad idea.

"With all due respect, I do not think anyone else will find that viable, ma'am. I am a soldier meant to guard you and you are an unmarried woman. People would talk," Arnelo said as they continued to walk, never facing Ava.

"I understand that. I am not asking you to be unprofessional when anyone is around," Ava conceded and dropped the matter, not wanting to push it, "I'm sorry for getting you in trouble."

"You haven't gotten me in trouble."

"Running away in the gardens. Trying to run away after the carriages were attacked...Well, I suppose I am sorry for trying to run away so often."

"That's alright, ma'am. I'm sorry I've had to stop you every time."

"You're doing your job being the soldier, I'm doing mine being the rebel."

He actually laughed a bit, "Indeed."

They finished the conversation without another word and walked in silence for. She was content with simply walking outside in the fresh air. She tried hard to scrub all thoughts from her mind and eventually, she succeeded. She did that for a bit, basking in the luxury of just being. Not angry or sad, completely blank. Until she almost knocked into someone and then she blinked back into reality. Arnelo was behind her steadying her and she flashed him a smile as a token of her gratitude.

Once she had her solid footing, she looked around and determined what she wanted to do. Her mind was back to running and it was guiding her towards the rectangular building that allegedly held the most knowledge in Baethos. She walked in its direction.

"Where are you going, Lady Ava?" Arnelo said as he followed behind.

"The Vault," she said with a laugh, "don't call me Lady Ava. Don't call me Lady at all but especially not with Ava after it."

"We are not allowed in the Vault without permission from someone."

"I have permission."

'You do?"

"No, but they don't know that," Ava said as she picked up her pace before Arnelo could really devise a plan to stop her.

When she was under the shade of the entrance to the Vault, she smiled as she approached the two Classifier guards that stood watch outside of the doors.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now