A New Direction

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Xyra's head was resting against the uneven wall of rock that made up the outside of Theo's room. She had pulled a chair over a few hours prior and that is where she had stayed. Xyra had found Tuni, informed her that Theo was freaking out, and the healer had rushed into the room. That was almost three hours before and Tuni was still not out of the room. Cooker had taken to standing and roaming around, rather than waiting in one place. She had made her way around the building, chatting the ear off anyone who would listen. Finally, she had settled in next to Xyra. She had some sort of thin stick that she was using to pick at the stone wall as a distraction.

The constant noise from the wood rubbing on the rock was jarring to her patience but Xyra felt that she almost deserved it. She didn't know why she was feeling like a glutton for punishment, but she was. Maybe it was that she pushed Theo to a breaking point, or that Navi refused to speak to her, or that she knew that at the back of everyone's mind they remembered that she had lied to them. She turned her head slightly to look at Cooker, perhaps watching the stick grind against the crevices in the wall would make the noise more bearable.

It didn't.

"Cook," Xyra said in a soft tone, "please."

Cooker dropped her hand, the stick staying in the wall. She let out a frustrated sigh, "She's probably staying in there to keep us away."

"Probably," Xyra hummed.

"It's your fault," Cooker crossed her arms, "you were the one that got her all riled up and now we aren't allowed to see her."

"Okay," Xyra shrugged and looked away.

"I'm trying to pick a fight," Cooker kicked her leg out, bumping the chair a bit, "respond."

"Cooker, please," Xyra sighed before closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the wall, "Do whatever you want but do not expect me to answer. I do not have the energy to fight. "

Cooker didn't immediately respond and while Xyra's eyes weren't open she knew that Cooker's chest had deflated and a bit of worry had crept in. If she opened her eyes and looked over, two giant saucers would be staring at her with a lip pulled between teeth.

"Is it because you haven't been sleeping well?" Cooker asked.

"Sure," Xyra shrugged, "also, being the default for everyone's questions. Having to pick up the slack of the dimwitted men on the clean-up effort. Not knowing if Theo's okay and if I just made it worse."

This time, Xyra did open her eyes and looked over. A shocked face looked back at her like Cooker hadn't expected honesty. Which made sense, telling people about what was going on wasn't her usual course of action but she was feeling vulnerable.

"I-" Cooker opened her mouth but nothing was being said.

"You do not have to respond to that," Xyra let out a small chuckle, but it was dry and short.

"I care, y'know..." Cooker shuffled in place, clearly uncomfortable, "even if I don't know how to handle things when you open up to me doesn't mean I don't care."

"I know you care, even if you show it differently," Xyra nodded, "the way you've been with T these past suns, it shows you love us when times are tough."

Cooker once again looked taken aback by the sincerity of Xyra's words. She could have sworn that tears were forming before Cooker quickly turned back to the wall and kept at her task. A few moments later, thankfully before the sounds could irritate her, Tuni emerged from the room. Cooker whipped back around and both of them looked at Tuni to say something. She closed the door behind her and stood in front of the both of them, Xyra having stood up when she heard the door open.

Heaven Hath No Rage - Book TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora