"Its fine, really. I'm not used to my new strength yet and neither of us were expecting... whatever that was."

"Wait what? Kenric what happened down there?" Sophie asked, concern for both of them already stitching over her nervousness.

Kenric just shook his head.

Apparently Emery thought this was the perfect time to interrupt, "Its definitely good to have you back Kenric. But unfortunately we still need to break this news to the public--"

"NO!" Kenric screamed frantically. Everyone jumped back with surprise, not used to seeing Kenric so desperate. He sucked in a deep breath, "I think its best if I stay 'dead' for awhile. I'm sorry but if I come back to life everyone is going to expect me to go back to normal and I-- I cant... not yet." He said, his voice cracking sadly.


"Oh would you stop that!" Oralie screamed angerly at Emery, stopping him before he could even start his sentence. A tear streaked down her cheek as she stomped forward, makeup smears evident on her face from crying so much. "You cant expect him to just go back to normal! He was dead! We all need time to recover anyway! The public can wait a few more measly seconds! Tell them you caught the last of the Neverseen! Tell them your going to contact the other species and set up another retreat! But for goodness sake let all these people have a break! Three of them were hunted and kidnapped for who knows how long anymore! These KIDS were treated like weapons and manipulated! I HAVE HAD IT! You need to wake up and see whats right in front of you! Its time to focus on THEM right now, NOT that stupid 'bigger picture' that you claim is always in danger! its not anymore! we stopped them! whopdy-do! Now lets let them breath for a second!!!" She breathed heavily for a moment as everyone collected themselves. Nobody has ever, ever seen Oralie this upset. To say it was shocking isn't even half of it. everyone's mouth was wide open. 

Oralie's resolve rang through Keefe as she reached up and ripped her circlet off her head. She stared at it for a few moments, then looked at Kenric and Sophie. the two people she felt the closest to. The love of her life... and the daughter that resented her. Ironic how her 'perfect life' was so fractured.

"I'm done! I'm done sitting around in a sparkling pink palace waiting for something to happen because nobody thinks I can handle anything anymore! I'm done with being resented by my own blood! I'm done with staying silent! I'M NOT SILENT! **** the council! I'm actually going to make a difference now instead of waiting for the 'more capable' councilors to handle things!" She screamed. She threw her circlet to the ground and stared as the sparkling pink jewels shattered and the silver snapped. she immediately sprinted to where Kenric was, and her lips crashed with his.

The love and affection that exploded off them was so strong Keefe could practically see it. Kenric held her gently and soon his surprise wore of and he leaned in further, smiling. Oralie grinned and a few new tears streaked her makeup once more but she didn't care. she wanted to stay like this forever. The councilors were practically on the ground because of how surprised they were. The collective was equally in shock.

at this point nothing made sense to Keefe and his friends anymore. he could feel their confused happiness through their new link. so naturally, Keefe began to cheer. He whooped and clapped wildly as the couple finally reunited. Sophie was crying tears of pure joy and she quickly joined in Keefe's cheer. She was proud. soon the rest of their friend group joined until the two finally pulled apart, staring into each others eyes happily.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to do that." Oralie said with a sad chuckle.

"Oh shut up and kiss me again." Kenric laughed and leaned in again.

They were finally together.

After all that time. and this time Oralie was never ever hesitating again.

She was never losing him again.

"I love you so much" She said. apparently Kenric had the exact same idea, syncing up with her words in an instant. They both laughed. They were together....

And i think thats a wrap! I AM SO HAPPY WITH THIS CHAPTER!!!!! I freaking love Kenric + Oralie. They are so perfect for each other. I gave her the girl boss moment she needed too so that also a huge plus! I really hope that this chapter makes up for the lost time. School has been keeping me super busy so updates will be super spread out. I hope the content makes up for it as this book finally wraps up. Be ready for some serious sokeefeness in the next chapter (Which could be the last chapter by the way). Thank you all so much for sticking with me and souppourting this book. Im thinking about doing a little series of oneshots that take place after this book and help fill in some blanks I have purposely left  and add some sweet moments between some charicters. call it a complement book. If you are interested in a sequel of some kind I do have an idea or two for one. If you have oneshot sudgetions for the complament book that you specificly want to see let me know. other than that i think thats about it! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH! Im excited to finally give this story a conclusion (And a major editing spree lol)

Happy reading!

Word count: 2425


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