Chapter 29

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the Bodyguards joined the conversation and kept the parents (And triplets) out while Sophie assigned everyone a project (Much to Stina's disapproval) and the outcome was...

Dex: Decoding and estimating Neverseen hideouts/bases; talk to Councilor contacts about caches; Strategize 

Marella: Disscus a truce with the Troll's

Wylie: Disscus a truce with the Goblin's; talk to Councilor contacts about caches

Tam: Disscus a truce with the Dwarve's and set up a meeting with Glimmer

Stina and Biana: Talk to their Councilor contacts about caches/alert the Council of what they need to know

Maruca and Linh: tell the Black swan what they need to know; Help with security of information

Fitz: Talk to trusted Gnomes about support and backup; Strategize

Keefe: Help with Ogre truce; be there to "Help Foss Boss"

Bodyguards: Protection; uphold secrets; arrange the truces

 "HOLD ON!" Stina said, "YOU GUYS ARE JUST GOING TO LET HER ORDER US AROUND!" She said, her voice dripping in disgust.

"What else should we do genius?" Dex retorted. She had no answer other than to scowl and stand in a corner. "Wait..." Biana said, "What do you mean by, Tell the council what they need to know?"

"I mean," Sophie said with a deep breath, "That we should only tell them what they need to know. Like we have found a way to track the Neverseen but don't tell them how. Tell them that we'll wait for orders, which we will, but that we are going to be brainstorming more options and ideas. Don't tell them about the constellation or how we are tracking the Neverseen. Don't tell them we are making our own truce's. Same goes for the Black Swan," Sophie said looking at Linh and Maruca. "We are not telling them i will be looking through the caches. only the council and us will know about that. make sure to also let the council know we are keeping that info a secret for now. Other than that tell the Black Swan what we are telling the council."

"But aren't secrets how we got into this whole mess?" Fitz asked, "So your solution is to keep more secrets?"

"EXACTLLY! This makes no sense!" Stina said.

"I know it sounds really messed up. But I'd also like to not get arrested. We are technicallllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy committing treason, breaking multiple laws, and creating a rebellion of our own. But our secrets are not causing the problems. its the councils secrets which consist of stupid mistakes and judgment they made and how they tried, and failed, to cover them up without a problem in the future. which is why I need to know what they are. Take what happend to the gnomes as an example. Its like how you fight a venom or toxin, you use some of the same toxin that's causing the problem to get rid of it."

"I geuss that makes sense." Fitz said with a smile that seemed to say smart. She rolled her eyes. "Soooooo I would just like to point out that I was assigned to assist Foster. SUCKERSSS--"

"Keefe... you are only assisting me because I am afraid if i leave you alone, multiple interspicial wars would begin with you in the middle of it." Sophie said with an eye roll... again.

"... Still! I am the lucky one aren't I Miss F!?"

"Sure." Sophie said giving up. "What will you be doing Foss Boss?" Stina said with not intention of hiding how she felt about Sophie's leading skills. "I will be handling the Ogre truce with Ro, Coming up with all the truces terms, discussing with the council about the caches, mapping with Dex, Foxfire, handling the Black Swan ,Cause we all know how they'll react, I have to take care of Keefe and Ro--"

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