Chapter 45

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Keefe's POV (A/N:   >:D  )

"What do you mean Her panic switch went off!?" Keefe said as he and Dex sprinted towards Solreef.

"I mean, HER PANIC SWITCH WENT OFF! Not that hard to comprehend!" Dex shouted back, frantically. His fear and curiosity was blasting Keefe like a blizzard of panic. What he knew Dex couldent shake off was, Why? He was asking himself that very same question. Obviously she could press it if she were in danger, but she said she wouldn't, right?

Could they really take any chances?


Keefe banged on the door as hard as he possibly could. A flurry of anger sparked inside. He quickly pout up his emotional wall to muffle the feelings before it escalated. Same old Tammy.

Tam shoved the door open, seething with anger when he saw Keefe at the door. "What the heck could you possibly want at this hour!?" He shouted. His anger quickly changed to concern when he saw Dex and Keefe's worried faces.

"Please dont tell me--"

"To late lets move." Keefe replied quickly as Dex pulled out something with a screen and began tapping.

"Should I get Linh and Wylie?"

"You can get Glimmer for all I care just hurry up!" Keefe yelled and started pacing. Tam nodded and sprinted inside, leaving a hail of fear and fury in his wake. "She's being moved!" Dex screamed and continued to tap on his screen. Keefe leaped over his shoulder and snatched the gadget. Sure enough the little red dot, marking where Sophie was, started moving.

"Where are they?" Keefe asked.

"They were in a forbidden city called, 'New York' but now there going who knows where. At least now we know which hideout they were in before. It dose also match up with all the maps so Flori should have lots of luck with the places i told her to check out." Dex said, taking back his tablet and pressing more buttons.

"What about the Dwarves?" Keefe asked.

After the Neverseen standoff, Keefe and Fitz brought Sophie's terms to the leaders and explained their situation. Thankfully, although with some reluctance (*Cough* Dimitar *Cough*) They agreed that a secret truce was necessary, Like a backbone they could fall on if they needed while also giving their team the necessary information, secrecy, and support they needed. Queen Nubiti was Devastated when she heard the news about Sophie and immediately offered to help with the search.  The goblins agreed with the search and decided to help with the secrecy aspects of their operations. Dimitar has made Ro the ogres official ambassador for their group (Probably because he didn't want to actually do anything) and swore himself to secrecy (With much protest... dont ask.). Empress Pernille was grateful that Sophie's group believed her innocence and seemed extremely upset with Sophie's kidnapping. She offered her resources and agreed to keep their secret but said she couldent send any trolls out without the council getting suspicious.

"Gravle said that his team have been tracking and found a few... Unique, vibrations and are currently investigating. Once they get back to me we can plan our strike properly with Grizle and Sandor." Dex said.

"And the council is still clueless?" Keefe asked.

Dex smirked, "Oh believe me, they have no idea whats happening. I finally perfected my security system! It took HOURS but it was so worth it! We can do anything we want and i can wipe it clean like nothing ever happened." He said triumphantly.

"Thank goodness!" Linh said from the doorway. She walked out with Tam following, Wylie brought up the rear. "I knew you could do it!" She said. She blushed right after the words left her mouth. Dex turned bright as a tomato, Keefe could feel their crushing from there. He chuckled slightly but then turned grave and grabbed the tablet from Dex again, quickly handing it to Wylie. "Uhhhh... Where are they?" He asked, paling.

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