chapter 6 : oh, canada

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Fiona left the running sink and nodded in understanding, turning to Amelia with sympathy in her expression. "Of course. Is everything okay?"

Fiona had always been like a sister to Amelia, someone who prioritized the well-being of others, even if she wasn't officially part of their family. "Oh, it's nothing," Amelia reassured her, hanging her jacket on a dining room chair. "Is Lip in his room?"

"Yeah, I think he's either sleeping or studying. You know how he is."

With a quick exchange of goodnights and a grateful smile, Amelia headed upstairs to the cluttered house. She manoeuvred through the toys and debris that covered every inch of the floor. Ascending the stairs, she reached the boys' room, pushed the door open gently, and found Ian asleep in his bed, the room dark.

Carefully, Amelia moved around the room, climbing up the bunk bed and slipping into Lip's bed. This wasn't unusual for the two of them; their closeness allowed them to share their lives and even their personal space without hesitation.

Lip lay shirtless in bed, clad only in blue and black plaid pants. His strong, bare chest rose and fell rhythmically as he slumbered peacefully.

On the other side of the bed, Amelia had nestled herself, her head resting on a pillow next to his. A pile of pillows partially obscured his head, creating a cozy and slightly disheveled nest of comfort.

Amelia extended her finger and delicately traced it along his bare back, the touch gentle as she attempted to rouse him from his slumber. The soft, rhythmic rise and fall of his breaths continued, and she twined lightly, hoping to coax him into wakefulness.

The boy was already sleeping next to her, "What took you so long" The sounds of Lip mumbling inside of his pillow.

"I was...talking to someone outside." She said in a whisper trying not to wake up Ian who was only sleeping inches away from them.

Lip grunted sitting himself up and leaning on the wall on the other side of his bed, while Amelia sat up moving around before laying back down on the bed. "How was your dinner?" He grabbed a cig from the corner of his bed.

"Sneaked out of it." Her eyes didn't leave the placement of the cigarette going into his mouth. Silence had laid between the two of them as she went silent; before looking at his penis. "Still have your balls."

"Ha, funny," Lip scoffed, his laughter laced with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes. He handed her the cigarette, and Amelia reclined on her side, exhaling a plume of smoke into the air. She felt the familiar burn in her throat, a temporary distraction from the emotions swirling within.

"Do you need to see them to make sure?" He quipped, her tone light as she played along, pretending not to be affected by the complicated situation involving Lip and Karen. She knew deep down that it was unlikely to last, but it still stung.

Her cheeks flushed slightly as she focused on the cigarette in her hand, avoiding the intensity of the moment. "I'm staying here for two days, Fi said it's okay" She had mentioned without going into details.

"Good I need a good coffee maker" Lip groaned putting the cigarette out of Amelia's mouth and unlitting it so that the two of them could go back to sleep.

Amelia playfully reached over and lightly tapped Lip's shoulder, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. The amusing part of the situation was that she didn't even have a fondness for coffee.

In truth, she was more of a tea person, finding comfort in the soothing, gentle flavors of various herbal blends. The bitterness of coffee had never quite agreed with her palate; she always preferred something sweeter and more delicate to grace her taste buds.

paper bag ( lip gallager )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ