"I am, but I can't see where he is!" Luffy cries desperately.

"Leave that to me." Robin crosses her arms and closes her eyes. "Ojos Fleur!" Robin stays silent in concentration while Luffy keeps stretching.

After a few moments, Robin tells Luffy where to go and Luffy starts pulling back up.

"Is he happy?" Chopper asks.

After a while, Usopp comes flying out and back onto the ship. "He's back!" Nami exclaims happily.

"But he's not alone!" Luffy yells as a giant octopus and sea serpent emerge from the water.

"There are sea beasts up here?! Or are they Sky beasts?" Yukiko wondered.

Zoro runs and jumps towards the closest tentacle of the octopus, giving it a few good slices. But instead of being cut into pieces, the tentacle popped, like a balloon.

"What the?" Yukiko said and Pachi tilted her head. "Pa?"

The serpent lunges towards the ship, but Sanji flips up and gives it a good kick making feathers fly off its body.

"Feathers? Guess they are sky beasts." Yukiko said.

"This is no time for observations!" Nami yelled.

The serpent flops over and ends up being hinged on the side of the ship by its fangs. Yukiko took a closer look.

"Whatever this thing is, it is covered in purple feathers, but they aren't fluffy. But they aren't like feathers you would find on a bird. They're smooth and flat, almost like furry scales." Yukiko said.

"How can there be fish up in the clouds?" Nami asks.

"You said best yourself; it's basically an ocean in the sky." Robin says.

Just as Usopp is finally coming to his senses, he jerks up with a yelp and starts flailing. "What is it this time?" Sanji asks.

"Th-There's something in my pants!" Usopp yelps. He pulls something out, flings it towards someone and proceeds to continue his breakdown.

The object was a decent sized but strange looking fish flopping about. It's sky blue and flat as a pancake, and it has those same feather scales as the serpent.

"Well, would you look at that?" Robin comes over and picks up the fish. "This must be one of the Sky Fish Noland described in his Log."

"Really?" Yukiko asked.

"It seems that the fish here somehow evolved to survive up here in the clouds." Robin says.

"You mean they turned all flat and balloony?" Zoro asks.

"To make themselves lighter." Robin confirms.

"Well, I guess you would have to be pretty light to be able to swim in the sky without falling like Usopp almost did." Yukiko said asLuffy takes the fish and brings it to Sanji. Literally ten seconds later, Luffy's holding a plate with steaming hot Sky Fish.

"I tried sauteeing it." Sanji says as Luffy eat a forkful of the fish. "Delicious! Yukiko, you gotta try this!" He then holds the fork to Yukiko who took a bite, making Sanji weep in a corner in jealousy muttering about indirect kisses. "Wow! It's as delicious as that Bluefin Elephant Tuna!"

"Let's cook the big one next!" Luffy says.

"Hey guys!" Chopper calls. I turn to see him looking out with the binoculars. "I see a-" He cuts himself before shrieking.

"What is it?" Nami asked.

Suddenly, a figure is already zooming right towards the crew.

"Hey! What do you want?" Sanji calls.

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